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Rice: harm and benefit

Rice: harm and benefit
Rice: harm and benefit

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Video: What are the harmful effects of eating raw rice? - Ms. Sushma Jaiswal 2024, June

Video: What are the harmful effects of eating raw rice? - Ms. Sushma Jaiswal 2024, June

Rice is one of the most popular side dishes for meat and fish dishes. It also serves as the basis for many independent dishes, for example, pilaf. Eating rice can both benefit and harm the body.


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About the benefits of rice

Rice is an ancient cereal crop whose properties are unique. In the East, this product is very popular as an integral element of the daily diet, due to the combination of nutrition and low calorie content.

Rice contains many useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Among them are zinc, selenium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, calcium and potassium, B vitamins, vitamin E and PP. Rice leads the list of foods containing complex carbohydrates that provide the body with a long-term supply of energy.

By the way, when ingested, rice helps to get rid of harmful substances contained in other foods taken. Also, this cereal is the basis of many diets, compiled by a variety of methods.

Using rice, you can help restore appetite after various diseases, including severe ones. When eating rice dishes, sleep is normalized and bad breath disappears, toxins and toxins are removed. Often it is used to remove excess salt from the body (rice itself does not contain salt), respectively, it is recommended for various diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system.

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