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How to make homemade candy canes without molds

How to make homemade candy canes without molds
How to make homemade candy canes without molds

Video: How to Make Homemade CANDY CANES from Cookies Cupcakes and Cardio 2024, June

Video: How to Make Homemade CANDY CANES from Cookies Cupcakes and Cardio 2024, June

All children love sweets. It is no secret that purchased sweets are not completely safe for health. To feed children really safe and tasty sweets, prepare homemade sugar candies. Moreover, they are prepared very simply.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 400 g of sugar,

  • - 65 ml of agave syrup or nectar,

  • - 50 ml of water,

  • - 2.5 ml of vanilla extract

  • - a little lavender color (optional).

Instruction manual


Pour 50 ml of water and 65 ml of agave syrup into a pan with a thick bottom. If you don’t have agave syrup at hand, use glucose syrup. Add 400 grams of sugar (2 cups of 200 ml) and mix.


Place a saucepan with syrup and sugar on a small fire.


After the sugar has melted, add any food flavoring to the pan. In this recipe, this is vanilla extract.


Grind the lavender color and add it to the boiling sugar mass.


From the moment of boiling, cook the sugar mass for about 7 minutes. Do not mix during cooking. Put the silicone mat on the table. Spread the sugar mass on a rug in the form of circles five centimeters in diameter, you can slightly less or more - to taste. You can replace the silicone mat with a baking sheet of parchment.


Put in the sugar circles on a skewer. Let the candies cool at room temperature for half an hour.


After half an hour, carefully remove the candy from the mat. Wrap each lollipop in plastic wrap, after which it can be distributed to children.

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