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How to cook okroshka with apples

How to cook okroshka with apples
How to cook okroshka with apples

Video: How to make raw vegan okroshka (Russian soup recipe) - (сыроедческая окрошка) 2024, July

Video: How to make raw vegan okroshka (Russian soup recipe) - (сыроедческая окрошка) 2024, July

Okroshka is one of the best dishes that should be cooked in the hot summer. Both adults and children love him. In addition, there are a lot of recipes for making okroshka - everyone can choose one to their taste. For example, try okroshka with apples.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 2-3 cucumbers;
    • 1-2 large apples;
    • 4-5 radishes;
    • 2 medium potatoes;
    • a small bunch of dill;
    • a small bunch of onions;
    • mint leaves;
    • 3 eggs;
    • 2 tbsp. l sour cream;
    • 1.5 liters of mineral water;
    • salt to taste.
    • For a snack:
    • bunch of arugula;
    • 200 g of ham;
    • 200 g of hard cheese;
    • 50 g of roasted pine nuts;
    • 1 clove of garlic.

Instruction manual


Cook hard-boiled eggs in slightly salted water. Eggs for okroshka are better to choose homemade. Since in them, as a rule, a brighter yolk. Boil the potatoes in their skins. Wait for the potatoes and eggs to cool.


Wash vegetables, apples and greens well under running water and pat dry with napkins or waffle towels.


Peel cucumbers, potatoes and apples and cut into small cubes, with a side of no more than one centimeter. Crush radishes with thin half rings. The finer the food cut, the tastier the okroshka. Combine the ingredients in a pan.


Divide eggs into proteins and yolks. Crush the squirrels into cubes and pour them into the pan, and put the yolks aside. Chop the herbs finely and mix them with the rest of the ingredients.


In a separate bowl, rub the yolks with a spoon, add sour cream to them and continue to grind until a yellow gruel is obtained. Then pour a small amount of mineral water into a bowl and stir everything until smooth.


Combine the resulting sauce with the remaining products in a saucepan. Salt to taste and pour okroshka with the remaining mineral water. Then mix well. Water can be used with or without gas - anyone likes it as much as possible.


Put the pan in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes. Serve okroshka in a cold form, decorating each serving with a leaf of mint.


You can also cook cold meat snacks for okroshka. For example, from ham and cheese. Cut the ham, tomatoes and cheese into small slices.


On a flat dish, lay the leaves of arugula, and on top of each other lay the ham, tomatoes and cheese. Grind nuts and garlic. Stir and sprinkle a snack on them.

Useful advice

This okroshka can be cooked at least every day. And so that the dish does not bother the household much, alternate mineral water with kefir, tan or homemade kvass.

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