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Oven stewed chicken for the winter

Oven stewed chicken for the winter
Oven stewed chicken for the winter

Video: Easy Chicken Stew Recipe 2024, July

Video: Easy Chicken Stew Recipe 2024, July

Chicken stew for the winter is an excellent meat delicacy. And not only because it is delicious. Having created it at home, you will definitely know what is added to it. So, you can use it without any fears to prepare delicious dishes for yourself and your children.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - Chicken meat - 2 kg;

  • - Salt and pepper - to taste;

  • - Sterilized jars with a volume of 0.5 liters;

  • - Bay leaf;

  • - Chicken fat.

Instruction manual


Take any chicken (chicken legs, breasts, thighs, drumsticks or all together), divide into portions, salt and pepper. Put in the refrigerator for about an hour.


In sterilized jars put 2 lavrushki and 10 peppercorns. Then get the meat and put it in a glass container, leaving about 2 cm from the top so that the juice does not leak.


Cover the cans with lids without rubber rims or with foil, in which several small openings were previously made for the exit of steam.


Put a tray of water in the cold oven, above it - one more and only then cans. Turn on the oven, preheat to 130 - 150 degrees. Stew meat for 2.5 - 3 hours.


About 10 minutes before cooking is complete, sterilize the lids for the cans and melt the fat in a pan.


After completion, you need to take out the jars of stew from the oven one at a time, immediately pour a spoonful of fat into each of them and close the lid. Remove under warm cloth to cool. Then take them to storage in the cellar.


Well, or if you want, you can immediately open one and try the chicken stew for the winter. You will be surprised how much you will like it!


It is better not to open the oven during extinction - cans may burst from the cold air.

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