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How to make natural wine from plum

How to make natural wine from plum
How to make natural wine from plum

Video: How To Make Plum Wine-Ferment Fruit To Alcohol Recipe 2024, June

Video: How To Make Plum Wine-Ferment Fruit To Alcohol Recipe 2024, June

Sweet plum wine, also known as Umeshu, is a popular dessert drink in Japan, Korea, and China. There are several home versions of this wine. They differ not only in the tastes of the final product, but also in the sort of plums that are required for production, ingredients and aging times.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Lightning plum wine
    • large ceramic jug with a tight lid;
    • 4 kg of purple or red plums;
    • 3.5 kg of sugar;
    • 1.5 liters of warm water;
    • 15 g of active dry yeast;
    • wooden spoon with a long handle;
    • strainer.
    • Champagne Plum Wine
    • 3 kg of plum (better than Texas plum);
    • 3 liters of water;
    • 1 kg of overripe bananas;
    • 350 g of golden raisins;
    • 750 g of sugar;
    • 1 tablet of sodium metabisulfite (Kampden tablets);
    • 1 teaspoon of pectin;
    • 1 teaspoon of live yeast;
    • Champagne yeast.

Instruction manual


Lightning plum wine Fold whole plums in a large ceramic jug, pour 2 kilograms of sugar and pour warm water. Sprinkle yeast evenly over the surface of the water. Mix the ingredients thoroughly with a wooden spoon and cover the jar with a lid. Leave to stand in a warm, dry room for 4 weeks.


Open the jug and drain all the liquid through the filter into a separate clean container. Remove and discard the plums. Clean the jug of all kinds of rain and wash it well with soap. Dry it.


Pour the filtered liquid into a clean, dry jug, add the remaining sugar, but do not mix. Cover the jug and put it back in a warm, dry place. Stir the contents of the jug every three days with a wooden spoon. After 14 days, bottle the wine, cap it and put it in the refrigerator.


Champagne plum wine Wash and plum carefully. Remove too soft, wrinkled, moldy specimens. Set them aside for several weeks until they become very dark. Store bananas in a warm place so that they also overripe.


Put raisins in hot boiled water. Put plums in a clean container and crush with a mashed mallet. Add the banana sliced ​​into thin slices. Pour sugar and pour hot water with raisins. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved.


When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, add the crushed Campden tablet. To cover with a lid. After 12 hours, put pectin in the mixture. After another 12 hours add fresh baking yeast. Leave the mixture for three days, until strong fermentation. Stir the workpiece every two days for 10 days.


Put the workpiece in gauze and let the liquid drain. Pour into a flue bottle, pour champagne yeast. Leave to roam in the chamber for 2-3 months, then pour into bottles and let stand for another three years.

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