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How to cook Ferghana pilaf

How to cook Ferghana pilaf
How to cook Ferghana pilaf

Video: Как готовят Ферганский плов. Легкий рецепт! Сильное блюдо! | How to cook Ferghana pilaf 2024, July

Video: Как готовят Ферганский плов. Легкий рецепт! Сильное блюдо! | How to cook Ferghana pilaf 2024, July

Pilaf is the central dish of the national cuisine of Central Asia. Its preparation consists of many details, without which everything becomes meaningless and falls apart. In this case, one of these main details is the cauldron. If cooking pilaf in the house is not an isolated case, then you need to acquire a suitable size of a good cauldron or cast-iron wok.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1 kg rice of devzira

  • - 1 kg of mutton

  • - 400 g fat tail fat

  • - 2 tbsp. l coarse salt

  • - 2 heads of garlic

  • - 1 kg of carrots

  • - 100 g of onion

  • - 1 tsp zira

  • - 2 hot peppers.

Instruction manual


Carefully sort the devzira from chips and small stones. Put the rice in a bowl by adding 2 tablespoons of salt. Pour with cold water in an amount of two liters. Allow to stand for at least half an hour. Rice flooded with water will become transparent, when its appearance changes to matte, it can be washed, otherwise the rice grains will crumble.



To clean lamb from veins, fat and films, if this is not done, then the spirit of the meat will be extremely unpleasant. Remove bone from meat. Chop the bones, cut the meat into cubes with a side of about 3 centimeters.



Cut the carrots with a thick straw: the length is equal to the length of the carrots, the thickness is 3-4 mm. Onions are cut in half rings. Do not cut too thin.



Cut the tail fat into about the same size as the meat. Fold it in a pre-heated cauldron. Only after the bubbles disappear from the melting of the fat tail, the clumped lump can be turned over. In order for the fat to turn transparent, it needs to be heated over medium heat. When only greaves are left in the cauldron, they must be pulled out of the fat.



Increase the fire by heating the fat to a gray haze. Fry the bones in fat until brown, then fry the onion. Then lower the meat on the walls. After five minutes, mix the fat with meat at the bottom of the cauldron. Add zira, continue to fry until golden brown, stirring constantly. Next add carrots. Stir it, too, stirring until tender. When the carrots become soft, the contents of the cauldron are poured with cold water, brought to a boil, the fire is reduced to medium.



In the resulting zirvak put young garlic whole heads, only peeled from the top husk. Half an hour, everything should go.



Rinse soaked rice. This requires some caution: the bowl is placed under a stream of cold water and tilts slightly so that the water drains a little on the other side. Rice should be lightly tossed in a bowl, washing, in order to avoid breakage, rubbing with your hands is not recommended.



Bones must be removed from the cauldron, the zirvak is brought to a boil, rice is laid out on top of the meat. Boiling water is added so that the rice is covered by a centimeter. Boiling should be on the edges of the cauldron as well as in the center. Rice should be cooked until almost cooked. If there is already no water, and the rice is still raw, then you can add water. At the end of cooking, the fire increases greatly, the cauldron is covered with a lid to allow the fat to rise and soak the rice.



When the pilaf is almost ready, a whole pepper is laid out on it, covered with a lid and languishes for another 20 minutes.


Ferghana pilaf

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