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Egg-free Pancake Recipe

Egg-free Pancake Recipe
Egg-free Pancake Recipe

Video: Allergy Friendly Pancakes: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free 2024, June

Video: Allergy Friendly Pancakes: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free, Egg-Free 2024, June

Making pancakes without eggs is a snap. The main thing is to make the dough correctly so that it turns out thin and delicate and does not stick to the pan. As the basis for the mixture, you can use milk or kefir, while replacing the eggs with nothing.


Pick your recipe

Most often, the test mixture is made on the basis of water and milk. As a result, the pancakes are thin and tender.


- 250 ml of water;

- 250 ml of milk;

- 6 tbsp vegetable oil;

- 20 tbsp premium flour;

- 4 tbsp Sahara;

- 1 tsp salts;

- 1/4 tsp vinegar

- 1/4 tsp soda.

To avoid the appearance of extraneous flavors, use odorless vegetable oil for the test, i.e. refined.

The amount of flour is specifically indicated in tablespoons, this is how you will be able to cook the perfect dough for pancakes.

Cooking consists of several stages.

Place all the necessary ingredients except soda in a deep bowl. Stir everything until smooth until the mixture is lump free.

Stir the dough with a mixer or blender. If you do not have such a technique, you can mix the mixture manually. Sprinkle all loose ingredients and oil. Stir and gradually add milk and water. So you will avoid the appearance of lumps.

The dough should be very liquid. Do not be alarmed, because it is from such a test that thin pancakes are obtained.

Before frying in pancakes, you must add soda, slaked with vinegar.

If the dough is infused for 30-60 minutes, the flour will release gluten, making the dough more elastic. This will allow you to easily turn the pancakes in the pan.

Use a special non-stick pancake pan. This will facilitate the process of turning pancakes.

Lubricate the pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil and heat it over low heat. Oil can be applied with a brush or sponge. Please note that a non-stick pan should only be lubricated once immediately before frying the pancakes.

When the pan is warm, take a ladle and fill it with batter. After that, carefully pour the dough into a skillet and spread evenly over the surface. Do not pour a large amount at once, take a little bit.

Let the pancake fry for 30-60 seconds on low heat. Grab the pancake by the edge and flip it over. For this purpose, it is best to use a spatula.

Fry the pancake until golden brown on the other side. Remove it and put on a plate. Repeat these steps until the dough is over.

If the first pancake does not work, do not be discouraged and do it further. With experience, skill will come.

Fillings for pancakes can be salty or sweet. Some of them cook quickly and easily, while others may take a little time to cook.

The simplest is the finished filling: honey, jam or jam with berries.

Banana with cottage cheese - to make the filling, mix the ingredients and add some honey and spices.

With ghee, pancakes acquire a “childhood taste”.

Thoroughly chop the mushrooms and cabbage and simmer them in a pan until cooked.

Another option: peel apples, cut into small pieces and sauté in a frying pan with butter. Sprinkle the mixture with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Cook the filling for 5-7 minutes.

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