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How to make cherry jam with gelling sugar

How to make cherry jam with gelling sugar
How to make cherry jam with gelling sugar

Video: Making Artisan Blackberry & Raspberry Jams 2024, June

Video: Making Artisan Blackberry & Raspberry Jams 2024, June

Delicious cherry jam with gelling sugar is prepared very quickly. Thanks to the secret ingredient in the jam, all vitamins remain, but it turns out to be bright, thick, beautiful. To spoil such a jam is impossible.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 2 kg of cherries,

  • - 1 kg of gelling sugar.

Instruction manual


Sort the cherries, rinse. For jam, choose good berries, without damage. Put the cherries on a clean towel, leave for a while to dry. Using a special device, remove seeds from the berries. Transfer the cherries to the pan.


Place a pan of cherries on a small fire. Cherry will give juice (you do not need to add water during cooking), when stirring, boil the berries in your own juice for five minutes.


Add a kilogram of gelling sugar to the pan with cherry, stir until completely dissolved. It is advisable not to bring to a boil. Remove the jam from the fire, put it in jars, close the lids, leave to cool (do not cover with a blanket or towel), put it in storage. Store jam preferably in a dark and cool place. Shelf life is unlimited, but usually this jam often does not "survive" until spring, as it turns out incredibly tasty and aromatic.


To sterilize the jars, preheat the oven to 120 degrees. Wet the towel, wring it out, lay it on a baking sheet. Place the jars sideways on a moist piece of wood. Place the jars in the oven for ten minutes. After 10 minutes, remove the jars and spread the jam.

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