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Is it possible to dry mushrooms in the microwave

Is it possible to dry mushrooms in the microwave
Is it possible to dry mushrooms in the microwave

Table of contents:

Video: How to Dehydrate Mushrooms in your Oven (Boletus / Porcini and Neoboletus species) 2024, June

Video: How to Dehydrate Mushrooms in your Oven (Boletus / Porcini and Neoboletus species) 2024, June

With the onset of autumn, mushroom pickers begin to bring home a large number of mushrooms, some of which many are dried for the winter. Previously, mushrooms were dried in the attics or above the stoves - today microwave ovens can easily solve this problem. To stock up with delicious dried mushrooms for the winter, you need to know a few secrets of cooking them in the microwave.


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Drying process

When choosing mushrooms for drying, it is necessary to pay attention to their integrity, hardness and density. Damaged and rotten mushrooms are thrown away, while good ones are sorted and cut into several parts. It is not recommended to wash fresh mushrooms, so that they are not saturated with moisture - just clean them with a knife and remove dirt (sand, earth and leaves) with a damp sponge or cloth. Then the prepared mushrooms are laid out on a wire rack and put in the microwave for fifteen to twenty minutes.

The duration of drying of mushrooms in the microwave directly depends on its power characteristics.

After the first twenty-minute “drying” session, open the microwave and wait until the moisture disappears. Usually this process takes from ten to twenty minutes, after which the previous drying manipulation is repeated several more times. If the microwave oven does not cope with drying completely, you can dry the mushrooms in another way - for example, by stringing them on tight threads and hanging them over the stove in a well-ventilated kitchen.

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