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Lentils Product we lost

Lentils Product we lost
Lentils Product we lost

Video: Lentils: A Miracle Of Nutrition (Full Documentary) 2024, June

Video: Lentils: A Miracle Of Nutrition (Full Documentary) 2024, June

Lentils - this is a great product with a lot of advantages, which now, unfortunately, is undeservedly forgotten. This culture belongs to the legume family and is used both in cooking and for the prevention of certain diseases.


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Lentils are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fiber, amino acids, mineral salts, potassium, phosphorus, as well as starch, fats and vitamins B1, B2, PP, C. In terms of iron content, it comes first among legumes. About 10 species of this culture are known, most of which grow in Asian countries. It is noteworthy that during heat treatment it practically does not lose useful substances and does not accumulate radionuclides and nitrates, even if it grows in environmentally unfavorable conditions.

In ancient times, this bean culture was grown in the countries of the Mediterranean, Egypt, Western Asia and Southern Europe, it is also mentioned in the legends of the Old Testament. The disadvantage and main reason for the low popularity of this amazing culture is that it keeps up evenly and lentils can only be collected manually.

Lentils have long been used in folk medicine. The use of this product reduces the risk of developing breast cancer, as it contains isoflavones - substances that have antioxidant properties. Lentils are very useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers, because only one serving of the finished product contains up to 90% of the daily norm of folic acid. In case of kidney stone disease, a lentil decoction is used as a mild diuretic, taking it half a glass three times a day.

From lentils you can cook delicious and nutritious dishes. Unlike other legumes, it does not need to be pre-soaked before cooking. Boiled lentils with butter, onions and garlic are very tasty. When cooking, rosemary, sage, bay leaf and olive oil are added to it.

As a main course, you can use sausages and bacon. To do this, fry several sausages, bacon and some smoked meats in vegetable oil. Then add lentils to them and simmer over low heat under a lid for 20-25 minutes. Then add cream or sour cream and cook another 5-10 minutes.

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