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Why drink and why carrot juice is useful

Why drink and why carrot juice is useful
Why drink and why carrot juice is useful

Video: 12 Amazing Health Benefits Of Carrots Juice 2024, June

Video: 12 Amazing Health Benefits Of Carrots Juice 2024, June

The end of September - the beginning of October is the time for harvesting carrots. Of course, it’s great when carrots are born large, juicy and are well stored in the cellar, but there are also broken root crops, damaged by a pitchfork or a shovel, rotted, spoiled by rodents, they, naturally, will not be stored for a long time. What to do with the crop in this case?


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We all know that carrots are unique in their vitamin composition. In addition to the notorious beta-carotene, carrots contain B vitamins, as well as vitamins C, E, D and K.

If there is such an opportunity, then carrot illiquid can be squeezed into carrot juice, which is considered the absolute leader among fruit, berry and vegetable juices. As mentioned above, carrots contain a lot of vitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on vision, strengthens the immune system, helps improve teeth and bone tissue, and regulates the thyroid gland. It is also important for the health of hair, nails and skin, and also helps to cleanse toxins, toxins, unnecessary fats, etc.

Carrot juice improves digestion, increases appetite, and also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. In addition, carrot juice has pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties.

A large amount of vitamin E contained in the juice has a positive effect on the reproductive system, as well as on the work of the adrenal glands and gonads.

Nicotinic acid is involved in the breakdown of fats, and magnesium serves as a natural relaxant, increases stress resistance, relieves irritability and improves sleep quality.

There is evidence that carrots, especially in the form of juice, serve as an excellent prophylaxis of oncological and other tumor diseases, if any, inhibit the growth and division of cancer cells.

In some countries, carrot juice is a supplement to drug treatment for diseases of the stomach and digestive organs. Regular consumption of carrot juice can help in the fight against various skin diseases, atherosclerosis, fatigue, poor appetite, etc.

It is necessary for people suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis, high acidity, etc. to exclude from the diet or significantly reduce the amount of juice they drink. The norm of drinking juice for an adult is up to half a liter per day, a significant increase in dose can lead to the opposite result. If carrot juice is mixed with other vegetable juices, for example, with beet or spinach juices, the therapeutic effect is enhanced.

In order for carrot juice to bring the desired effect, relief and better health, you need to drink it daily for a fairly long time.

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