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How to make gazpacho delicious

How to make gazpacho delicious
How to make gazpacho delicious

Video: Gazpacho Soup The Ultimate Creamy (Summertime Soup Recipe) - Gordon Ramsay 2024, July

Video: Gazpacho Soup The Ultimate Creamy (Summertime Soup Recipe) - Gordon Ramsay 2024, July

In hot weather, as a rule, appetite disappears and there is only one desire - to cool. An ideal dish in the summer heat is okroshka. But there is an alternative to her - this is gazpacho. This dish is traditional in Spanish cuisine. It is prepared on the basis of vegetables, and served cold. Gazpacho will not only help to cool in the heat, but will also be just a healthy dish for your body.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - tomatoes 500 g

  • - bell pepper 300 g

  • - cucumbers 300 g

  • - onion 150 g

  • - garlic 2 cloves

  • - olive oil 100 ml

  • - juice of half a lemon

  • - salt and pepper

Instruction manual


Cut the garlic into medium-sized slices, chop the onion in half rings.


Peel the tomato and cut into 4 parts. To make the peel easier to peel, tomatoes can be slightly poured with boiling water.


Peel and cut the cucumbers into small circles.


Cut bell pepper into small slices, pre-cleaned from seeds.


All of the above vegetables must be chopped in a blender, add the juice of half a lemon, olive oil, a little pepper and salt to taste.


When additional ingredients are introduced, beat the vegetable mass again with a blender.


The soup is sent to the refrigerator for 3-4 hours, so that it is infused and cooled well. Sprinkle the finished gazpacho with herbs and serve with croutons to the table.

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