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How to cook a rabbit in a pot in Dutch

How to cook a rabbit in a pot in Dutch
How to cook a rabbit in a pot in Dutch

Video: The Best Way to Cook Rabbit - Rabbit Dutch Oven Recipe 2024, July

Video: The Best Way to Cook Rabbit - Rabbit Dutch Oven Recipe 2024, July

Rabbit meat has a delicate, but rich taste. The classic way to cook it is to stew it in a pot. And if you add prunes to the rabbit, you get an original Dutch-style dish.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 1 carcass of a rabbit;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 medium-sized carrot;
    • 100 g of fat;
    • 3 tbsp flour;
    • 3-4 tomatoes;
    • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
    • 1 tbsp. dry white wine;
    • 200 g of prunes;
    • Provencal herbs;
    • a bunch of parsley or dill;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt and pepper.

Instruction manual


Choose the appropriate rabbit meat. For the dish, you can use the whole carcass, and its individual parts. It is best to give preference to chilled meat, but in Russia it can be found rarely. Therefore, a frozen rabbit will go. Before cooking, leave it for several hours at room temperature to thaw, then rinse the carcass and free the meat from the bones.


Peel the onion and chop finely. Chop the lard in the same way, put it in the pan and place it on the stove. Vegetable oil does not need to be added - lard will give enough fat for frying onions. After that, add the onion and cook the mixture for 5 minutes over medium heat. Salo should lightly brown. While all this is cooking, soak the prunes in a separate bowl in warm water.


Cut the rabbit meat into medium-sized pieces with a side of about 2 cm. Salt them, roll in flour and sprinkle with aromatic herbs, such as Provencal ones. Add the meat to the bacon and onion and fry for 3-4 minutes, during which time the pieces will have time to lightly brown.


Cut the carrots into thin circles. Scale tomatoes with boiling water, peel them, cut into cubes. Simmer both vegetables with the addition of oil in a separate pan for 5-7 minutes. Salt, then add the mixture to the meat with onions, mix everything.


Arrange the meat and vegetables in pots. Top with peeled and chopped garlic and already softened prunes. Salt and pepper everything. Dilute the wine with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Pour the meat containers with this liquid so that it completely covers all the products. Close the pots with lids, if provided, or foil. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C. Place the pots on a baking sheet and cook the rabbit for 1.5 hours.


Serve the rabbit directly in pots hot. A good addition to the dish is a variety of fresh spicy greens - parsley, dill, leaf mustard or green salad.

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