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Dried Mushroom Soup Recipe

Dried Mushroom Soup Recipe
Dried Mushroom Soup Recipe



Mushroom soup does not leave indifferent a considerable number of Russians. This first dish at any time of the year gives them an incredible rich taste and a special aroma reminiscent of walks in the woods. When there is no fresh mushrooms, you can cook such a dish of dried.


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Mushroom soup, especially if well cooked, is rarely one of the inhabitants of Russia is able to leave indifferent. Moreover, according to experienced chefs, the best in taste it is obtained not from fresh, but from the dried main ingredient. Mushrooms in this case make the soup unusually aromatic and rich.

They for this dish can be purchased at the grocery store. However, if there is an opportunity to go on a quiet hunt in the season and prepare mushrooms on their own, sin will not use it. The outcome of such “gathering” will be especially successful when it is possible to get a fair amount of whites and dry at least some of them.

The porcini mushroom got a similar name due to the fact that it is the only one of its relatives that does not darken during heat treatment.

Mushrooms compare favorably with other edible mushrooms in that the proteins valuable to the human body are contained in an easily digestible form. Therefore, dishes from them come out more dietary than from their other counterparts.

However, if porcini mushrooms are not at hand, it is permissible to use other species - chanterelles, boletus, boletus, etc. The main thing is that they be forest and those that grow in Russia. The dishes from, for example, Chinese mushrooms come out with a completely different flavor, which not everyone will like.

In the case when the product was purchased in the store, one standard 50-gram package will be enough for a four-liter pot of soup. If the mushrooms were harvested independently or bought on the market, you need to take them 5-7 pieces (whole).

Rinse the mushrooms and soak in cold water overnight. However, if necessary, urgently make soup, you can use a slightly different way - pour them in boiling water for 20-30 minutes. In any case, the water where they were soaked should not be poured out - it will need to be added to the broth.

At the same time, it is worth preparing the remaining components of the dish. First of all, you need to peel and finely chop 2-3 (depending on their size) bulbs. Also for the soup you need medium carrot. It should be grated - it is possible and special, curly. So in the soup the product will look better.

Soaked mushrooms must be removed from the water, cleaned of dirt (it can be on them, because usually they are not washed before drying) and cut into small pieces. Mushroom infusion should be well filtered through gauze folded in several layers, pour into a pan and, having added enough water, boil. Already during the boil, mushrooms are added - if it is decided to put them in the soup without passivation.

Fry the onion by pre-salting it. When it becomes transparent, grated carrots are added to it. Some people like to put mushrooms in a similar passerovka. In this case, it is this product that needs to be fried first, then gradually adding the rest to it.

If it is decided to use pasta in the soup, it is better to stop on spaghetti, breaking them several times before laying in the pan. Such a product is good in that it is more difficult to bring to a boiled state.

However, if the mushrooms are already in the pan, the onions with carrots should be put to them when the broth boils. Together they need to cook for about 20 minutes, and at the same time it is better to reduce the fire to a slow one.

After the specified time period has elapsed, toss the pasta into the soup. You need to cook the dish until they are cooked - about 7-10 minutes. Leaving them al dente for this dish is not worth it, but you can’t even turn it into a mess.

Those who do not think such a meal without potatoes can add it, after peeling and cutting into small cubes, almost simultaneously with mushrooms. True, in this case, the dish will come out not so delicate.

Serve it preferably with sour cream. Some season this dish with herbs, but do not do this - such an ingredient interrupts the mushroom taste and smell.

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