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How to make yellow tea

How to make yellow tea
How to make yellow tea

Video: How yellow tea is made? | Mengding Huang Ya | Tea Process | ZhenTea 2024, July

Video: How yellow tea is made? | Mengding Huang Ya | Tea Process | ZhenTea 2024, July

Yellow tea is obtained by oxidation in the fresh air, while it retains a large number of beneficial properties. If you make yellow tea in a transparent bowl, you will see a dance of tea leaves. They rise to the surface of the water and fall again. This process is repeated 3 times.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Yellow tea
    • transparent teapot.

Instruction manual


Prepare dishes in which you will make tea. It is better if it is a transparent teapot. Before making tea, you need to pour boiling water over the kettle.


Boil the kettle in advance and allow the water to cool to about 60-80 degrees. It is this temperature that is needed for brewing yellow tea.


Pour 2 tbsp. l yellow tea in the teapot. Pour hot water from the kettle. In this case, you need to brew tea no more than three minutes. The yellow hour can be brewed up to six times, but keep in mind that the brewing time should increase.


Yellow tea cannot be confused with other types of tea; it has a unique mild taste and a sophisticated aroma, leaving a golden pink mark on the walls of the cup.


It is not necessary to store tea in a wooden bowl, it is better to keep it in a tin or clay bowl with a hermetically sealed lid. Tea has the ability to absorb odors, so keep tea away from odor-causing products. Store tea at room temperature.

Useful advice

It is recommended to brew yellow tea not with boiling water, but with hot water heated to 60-80 degrees. No need to brew tea with hard water, it will turn out not so tasty. But you can soften hard water by adding a piece of sugar or a little soda in advance to the water.

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