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How to grow an avocado

How to grow an avocado
How to grow an avocado

Video: ★ How to: Grow Avocado from Seed (A Complete Step by Step Guide) 2024, July

Video: ★ How to: Grow Avocado from Seed (A Complete Step by Step Guide) 2024, July

One of the most exciting activities is the cultivation of exotic vegetables and fruits. Many housewives, having prepared an exotic salad, often think about how to grow avocados.


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Who would have thought that such an unusual tropical fruit can be grown on your own windowsill. Where to start? First you need to go to the nearest supermarket and choose the most beautiful and ripe avocado fruit there.

Next, remove the stone, rinse it and carefully wipe. There are two options for growing avocados. According to the first, the bone is planted in a well-moistened substrate consisting of peat, sand and leafy soil. The bone is immersed in the ground with the lower blunt part, deepening it by half. It is important here to constantly maintain the air temperature within 20-23 C. The second option is a little more complicated, but it is considered more tested and reliable. The root is rooted in water by attaching to it supports from toothpicks in the lower third of the seed. Toothpicks are inserted into the drilled holes at an angle to one another, perpendicular to the surface. The base of the bone is immersed in a container of water, regularly adding it, making sure that it constantly remains at the same level. After a month, the bone membrane opens, and the roots appear, and then the sprout. When the roots reach a few centimeters, the seed is planted in the prepared substrate by one third. Upon reaching the plant 15-20 cm, it is transplanted into a more spacious container. A pot is chosen with many holes and preferably a plastic one. The substrate is constantly kept moist. It is not advisable to separate the bone from the stem, because soon it will become a wonderful decoration for the plant, as it will change its color to soft pink and will become very smooth. A place on the windowsill with bright diffused light will be ideal for an avocado, it is important to avoid direct sunlight from entering the plant. At home, the avocado tree grows very quickly and with a sufficiently large pot, it can reach two and a half meters. The ideal option is to grow an avocado on your own in the fall, in winter it can lose leaves, but in the spring it will please you with abundant greens. While maintaining sufficient moisture and fertilizer, the avocado tree will begin to bear fruit in about 5 years and will certainly become a gem in your plant collection!

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