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How to make a cake using a slow cooker

How to make a cake using a slow cooker
How to make a cake using a slow cooker

Video: How to Make Cake in a Slow Cooker | You Can Cook That | Allrecipes.com 2024, July

Video: How to Make Cake in a Slow Cooker | You Can Cook That | Allrecipes.com 2024, July

Modern household appliances make it easy and simple to create real culinary masterpieces. For example, in a slow cooker you can bake a chocolate biscuit cake that will rise and have a delicate, airy structure.


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The first step in creating a cake will be baking a biscuit, for this, take the following products:

- 5 eggs;

- 150 g of sugar;

- 50 g of cocoa powder;

- 180 g flour;

- 50 ml of milk;

- 10 g butter;

- 5 baking powder for the test.

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them with sugar until a thick white foam. Then, while continuing to beat, add the yolks to them.

Combine the beaten eggs with cocoa, flour and milk, mix the components well with a mixer to get a homogeneous mass. Transfer it to a bowl greased with butter, close the slow cooker and set to "baking" for 1 hour.

While baking the base of the cake, make a cream of the following components:

- 2 eggs;

- 250 g of sugar;

- 200 butter.

First, beat the eggs with sugar into the foam, then add softened butter to it and continue to beat until the mass becomes creamy. Take the cream in the refrigerator for a while.

If the biscuit is already ready, take it out and divide it into several layers. When they have cooled, collect the cake, greasing each layer with butter cream. Decorate the top of the product with berries, chocolate chips, orange or lemon zest.

You can cut a large cake into several thin ones using an ordinary thread. To do this, measure the height of the thin cake, slightly cut a biscuit around it and insert a thread into the cut. At the junction, the ends of the thread cross, they need to be taken by the edges and stretched in different directions.

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