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How to cook vegetable sauté with chestnuts

How to cook vegetable sauté with chestnuts
How to cook vegetable sauté with chestnuts

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Many people compare vegetable sauté to stew, but there is one big difference. When cooking sauté, the vegetables are fried - this gives them a beautiful golden color and a wonderful self-sufficient taste!


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You will need

  • Ingredients for the main course:

  • - champignons 300 g

  • - leek 100 g

  • - sweet pepper 1 pc.

  • - soy sauce 1 tbsp. l

  • - chestnuts 10 pieces

  • - olive oil 50 ml.

  • - celery stalks 120 g
  • Ingredients for sweet and sour sauce:

  • - dry white wine 50 ml

  • - potato starch ½ tsp

  • - water 70 ml.

  • - lime 1 pc.

  • - sweet pepper 1 pc.

  • - leek 50 g

  • - fresh mint

  • - sugar 1 tsp.

Instruction manual


To cook vegetable stew, cut leek into small rings.


Rinse and clean the mushrooms, cut them with thin plates.


Rinse and peel the seeds, then you need to cut into small cubes.


Peel the chestnuts carefully from the peel and cut into small pieces.


Pour olive oil into the pan and add the earlier leeks, celery stalk and sauté.


Next, add pepper and mushrooms to the onion with celery - everything should be sautéed for about 3 minutes.


Add peeled and chopped chestnuts to the pan, mix and hold on the fire for another two minutes.


To prepare the sauce, first soak the starch in water.


Chop the leeks, peppers and mint leaves. Squeeze juice out of lime.


In a preheated pan, put all the chopped ingredients, add lime juice and wine. Simmer for about 2 minutes.


Pour starchy water into the mixture and stir until the sauce thickens.


When serving, put the sauté on the plate and pour the sauce. Sauté should be served in a warm form, and use greens for decoration.

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