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How to make a light dessert: strawberry marmalade on agar agar

How to make a light dessert: strawberry marmalade on agar agar
How to make a light dessert: strawberry marmalade on agar agar

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To prepare a gentle, low-calorie and healthy dessert in the form of marmalade at home is not difficult. As a basis, you can use berries or juice, fruit drink. For light refreshing strawberry marmalade, use fresh or frozen strawberries.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • Products:

  • • Berries (strawberries, blueberries, currants) - 350 grams or finished juice (fruit drink) - 200 ml

  • • Water - 50 ml (optional if the berries are not juicy)

  • • Sugar - 100-110 grams

  • • Agar-agar - 1 full teaspoon
  • Tableware:

  • • Stewpan

  • • Chocolate or ice molds

Instruction manual


If you use fresh berries, then they must first be crushed with a blender to a puree state. In the event that the fresh berries or the fruits selected for marmalade are not very juicy and the mashed potatoes are thick, then add about 50 ml of water.


The resulting strawberry puree or prepared fruit juice (juice) must be divided into two parts: 50 ml and 150 ml. Measure the agar-agar with a dry spoon and mix with a small portion of juice or liquid berry puree. Agar-agar should swell in a liquid for about 10-15 minutes, but do not leave it for more than half an hour.


While the agar-agar swells, pour the remaining juice (150 ml) into the stewpan, add granulated sugar and boil the syrup over medium heat. To maximize the preservation of vitamins in strawberries or in another used base, marmalade is boiled only until the first bubbles appear.


As soon as a slight boil appeared, a mixture of agar-agar with juice was poured into the stewpan and thoroughly stirred with a spatula, not allowing to burn. Agar-agar must necessarily boil, unlike gelatin! Boil marmalade for about 5 minutes.

When hot, the marmalade will be liquid, however, it sets with the correct proportions of the ingredients instantly. Therefore, as soon as it boils a little, it is immediately poured into molds. It is better to use simple, silicone molds or plastic ice molds. In extreme cases, you can pour it into a regular container and, after hardening, cut the finished marmalade into curly pieces.


Leave the hot marmalade on the table at room temperature until cool, then the molds can be rearranged in the refrigerator. Remove the prepared marmalades and, if desired, sprinkle with small sugar.

Useful advice

The more acidic the berries or fruits, the more agar-agar will be needed. Focus on the following proportions: for 180-200 ml of liquid, an incomplete teaspoon of agar-agar is required. But the higher the acidity of the liquid, for example, using orange juice, the more you need to put agar-agar.

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