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How to store vegetables at home

How to store vegetables at home
How to store vegetables at home

Video: How to Store Vegetables- Martha Stewart 2024, July

Video: How to Store Vegetables- Martha Stewart 2024, July

In order for the vegetables that appear on our table daily on the menu to please their freshness, you certainly need to learn how to store them. It should also be understood that any vegetable should be exclusively individualized. Compliance with these rules will also help to significantly save the budget.


Pick your recipe

Storage space

The storage location of each vegetable depends on its need for temperature, the amount of light and humidity.

Some vegetables need a low air temperature, such as beets, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, celery, carrots, Brussels sprouts. Some, on the other hand, cannot tolerate the cold; these are potatoes, green tomatoes, and melon.

There are enough options for places where vegetables can be stored: this is a refrigerator, and pantries, and containers, and a garage, and therefore it is important to know how to store which vegetables.

Individual approach

Potatoes love dark and cool places with good air circulation. The best places are basements and garages. If you store the potatoes in the refrigerator, then it runs the risk of acquiring a sweet taste, and if the storage conditions are violated, the potato will sprout quickly.

Carrots are well kept in the cold. To retain moisture, it must be packed in a plastic bag and stored in the refrigerator. Peel carrots immediately before use.

Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower are stored in the refrigerator for a long time, but it is advisable to use them for a week.

Tomatoes are big picks. They are stored at room temperature and in no case can be washed. Cold not only violates the structure of tomatoes, but also completely destroys their aroma and taste.

Eggplant is not stored for long. For 2 days you need to use their stocks. If the shelf life involves a greater amount of time, then they must be placed in a dark, cool place.

Chives have a rather watery structure. Before putting it in storage in the refrigerator, you need to wrap it in paper or foil.

Asparagus is stored in the refrigerator, pre-wrapped in a damp cloth. A day, or even two in such conditions, asparagus can even continue to grow.

Mushrooms do not like heat and light, but because they are satisfied with the lower shelf of the refrigerator. But they need to be washed only before processing.

Cucumbers, zucchini prefer dark and cool places, the refrigerator also suits them perfectly. These vegetables should not be stored for more than a week.

Celery will settle in the refrigerator even for a week, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account its strong specific smell, and therefore it is good to pack it, maybe even hermetically.

Corn should be used as much as possible the next day.

Peppers to avoid mold must be stored unwashed in the refrigerator, but in no case packed in cellophane. A container for vegetables is suitable for them.

Salad and greens are well washed, dried and placed first in a paper bag and then in a plastic bag. Within three days they need to be eaten.

Garlic feels good in the fridge. Chilled it and clean easier.

Storage Nuances

Do not store onions, potatoes, garlic and pumpkin together. Also keep them away from other vegetables.

Green vegetables ripen at room temperature, only then they are placed in the refrigerator.

You need to make sure that the vegetables do not mold, otherwise mold will quickly infect healthy foods.

How to store vegetables at home

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