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How to bake buns

How to bake buns
How to bake buns

Video: BUTTERSOFT BUNS So Easy To Make Bread 2024, July

Video: BUTTERSOFT BUNS So Easy To Make Bread 2024, July

Anyone who loves fresh pastries should learn the art of making buns at home. By learning to knead fancy yeast dough, you can make buns with a variety of fillings or without it. Properly baked products turn out magnificent and airy.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For the test:

  • - 1 glass of milk;

  • - 1 egg;

  • - 15 g of dry yeast;

  • - 400 g of wheat flour;

  • - 2 tablespoons of butter;

  • - 1/4 teaspoon of salt;

  • - 1 tablespoon of sugar;

  • - 1 teaspoon of vanilla sugar.
  • For filling:

  • - 3/4 cup of light pitted raisins;

  • - 60 g of butter;

  • - sugar;

  • - ground cinnamon.

Instruction manual


Heat the milk - it should be warm, but not hot. Dissolve yeast and granulated sugar in it. Place the container in a warm place so that the liquid begins to foam.


Pour melted butter into the dough, add the egg, salt and vanilla sugar. Stir the mixture well and add the sifted wheat flour in portions. Knead the dough, collect it in a bowl and place in a heated pan. Cover it with a towel and leave the dough to proof.


After an hour and a half, the dough should double in volume. Wash it with a spoon and leave for another hour. After that, put the mass on a board sprinkled with flour, and knead a little with your hands. Do not crush the dough for too long, otherwise it will turn out too steep, and the buns will be stiff.


Raisin Buns

From the resulting dough you can bake buns with raisins. Rinse it, pour boiling water for 15 minutes, then drain the water and dry the dried fruit. Divide the dough into small lumps, each roll into a ball, and then roll the balls into cakes. Put a spoonful of raisins in the center of each and fasten the edges of the cakes. Shape the items into round buns and place them on a greased baking sheet. Leave the distance between the products - during baking they will increase in size.


Beat the egg and brush the surface of the rolls with a silicone brush. Let the products stand for 15 minutes, and then send the pan to the oven, preheated to 200 ° C. Ready buns should rise and brown. Remove them from the baking sheet, lay them on a wooden board and cover with a linen towel. Serve the pastries fully cooled or slightly warm.


You can arrange the buns differently. Roll the dough into a layer, grease it with melted butter and evenly sprinkle raisins on the surface. Roll the layer into a roll and cut it into pieces with a sharp knife. Place them in a silicone mold with cells of the appropriate size - the buns will turn out perfectly even. If you do not have a mold, bake products on a baking sheet, oiled.


Put the finished buns on a wooden board for cooling. The surface of the products can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, filled with icing sugar or garnished with melted chocolate.


Cinnamon rolls

You can bake sweet buns from pastry. Divide the dough into lumps and then roll into flat cakes. Grease each with melted butter and sprinkle with granulated sugar mixed with ground cinnamon. Roll the cakes into rolls, each fold in half and make a cut in the middle. Expand the buns so that they resemble roses. Lay the products on a baking sheet, allow to distance for 15 minutes. Bake rolls in the oven, heated to 200 ° C.

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