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How to determine the presence of extraneous additives in butter

How to determine the presence of extraneous additives in butter
How to determine the presence of extraneous additives in butter

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Video: Microbial Fermentation - ICT ELRC 2024, July

Butter has recently become quite often faked. Such a product can be called creamy only with very great optimism. Unscrupulous manufacturers add various foreign additives to it in order to save on production.


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You can distinguish high-quality natural butter from margarine and a product with foreign additives without special chemical tests and at home. First you need to carefully read the labels on the product packaging - if its fat content is more than 60%, butter is indeed such. If the fat content is lower than the declared percentage, then you have purchased a spread or margarine.

Spread is a product based on vegetable and milk fats, which is a competitor to butter and does not contain cholesterol.

Also, special attention should be paid to the composition of the product - if palm or peanut butter is included in it, then this is not butter. This product should contain only animals, not vegetable fats. The expiration date is also important here: if it is too long, preservatives are definitely contained in the butter, and vice versa, the shorter the expiration date, the less the product of various chemistry and extraneous additives.

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