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How to clean red caviar from a film

How to clean red caviar from a film
How to clean red caviar from a film

Video: This is How CAVIAR is Made ! 2024, July

Video: This is How CAVIAR is Made ! 2024, July

Red caviar in addition to unsurpassed taste has a huge amount of essential trace elements and vitamins. Making this tasty, nutritious and healthy snack is easy. And the result will please you and your family, because caviar cooked in a home way is much tastier than a store one. But before salting, it must be separated from the rag films. Hawks are transparent bags that contain caviar. If the film is not removed, it will be very bitter.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • fresh
    • red caviar in hawks,
    • sieve,
    • colander,
    • fork.

Instruction manual


Put caviar in a pan in a pan and pour boiling water. The films burst, become grayish and become loose and opaque. Then the caviar must be mixed very carefully with a wooden spoon. After that, it remains only to select small pieces of film - and the caviar is ready for salting.


Break the hawks into several pieces, usually four or six is ​​enough. Each piece must be gently kneaded with your fingers, trying not to crush the eggs. If everything is done correctly, the eggs themselves will fall out into the pan.


Place the stitch in a sieve or colander with small holes. Dip the sieve in a pan with hot water (but not boiling water!), Quickly, for a few seconds, mix the tongue with a fork. The whole film eventually remains on the fork, and in the sieve - individual eggs. It is not worth keeping caviar in hot water for a long time, it can harden.


Place the duster in a colander with large holes, slightly larger than the size of the egg itself. Pour boiling water over the eggs, place a large plate under the colander, and then squeeze the eggs through the colander with gentle, gentle movements. The film will remain in a colander, and grains of eggs will fall on the plate.

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