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How to store raspberries

How to store raspberries
How to store raspberries

Video: How to Store Berries for Weeks 2024, July

Video: How to Store Berries for Weeks 2024, July

Raspberries are one of the most delicious and favorite berries of almost all adults and children. It is quite difficult to imagine summer without these fragrant berries. Raspberry is good in itself, as well as in all kinds of sauces and desserts. Learn how to properly store this wonderful berry, especially since there are many ways.


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To store raspberries, unripe and healthy berries are collected in a small container (box, bucket or basket), put in a cold place. When buying berries, you should pay attention to their appearance: they should be the same size, dry and not crushed. Raspberries are kept fresh for a short time - five to seven days, while it is not recommended to keep the berries in a container or jar, pour them into a wide plate, cover with a napkin and refrigerate. Strongly smelling products should not be adjacent to berries, since raspberries have the ability to quickly absorb extraneous odors. Wash fruits immediately before use.

The simplest and most accessible method for preserving raspberries is drying. To begin with, the berries need to be slightly dried in the sun, and then pour on a sieve in a small layer of three centimeters and dry in the oven. Throw out the blackened berries, if the raspberries are dried correctly, the berries will turn out to be slightly grayish in color with a fragrant odor (should not stain your hands). You can purchase a special apparatus for drying berries, apples and mushrooms.

To preserve raspberries, you can freeze it, while the berries retain almost all of their beneficial properties. Prepare ripe but not overripe berries of medium size. They should not have any damage and foreign bodies - cobwebs, bruises and raspberry bugs. The fruits must be absolutely dry. Carefully pack the raspberries in plastic bags and seal the edges with an iron through a layer of fabric. You can stack the berries in containers with tight-fitting lids.

During heat treatment, raspberries are able to preserve most of the useful properties, so jam and jams are made from it, jelly and marmalade are made. And you can just grind the berries with sugar, put in glass jars and store in the refrigerator.

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