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What is Goji?

What is Goji?
What is Goji?

Video: Why You Should Avoid Eating Goji Berries 2024, July

Video: Why You Should Avoid Eating Goji Berries 2024, July

Recently, goji berry is almost on everyone’s lips. You can read about it in many glossy magazines and, of course, on the open spaces of the network. What is this mysterious plant?


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Goji berry is called differently. For example, "Chinese dereza" or "Tibetan barberry." On sale it can be found under any of the names.

This nondescript creeping shrub is small in size. It belongs to the nightshade family. On this basis, one can guess that goji is the closest "relative" of chili peppers. But they are completely different to taste. The berry under discussion is not at all spicy and not spicy, rather sweetish.

If a few years ago only residents of China, Tibet and Mongolia knew about it, today today this miraculous berry has been actively imported into Russia. The main secret of her miracles lies in the composition of this fruit. It contains just a huge amount of useful substances - more than 20 different vitamins, minerals, amino acids, polysaccharides and others.

At the same time, for example, there are approximately 15 times more vitamin C in it than in our favorite citrus fruits.

It is not surprising that every day the goji berry is becoming more and more popular in our country and buyers are actively hunting for it. This is a wonderful and affordable source of a wide variety of useful substances that every person needs.

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