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Homemade borsch

Homemade borsch
Homemade borsch

Video: Classic Red Borscht | Borsch Recipe (Beet Soup) - Natasha's Kitchen 2024, July

Video: Classic Red Borscht | Borsch Recipe (Beet Soup) - Natasha's Kitchen 2024, July

Classic borsch

750 beef bones with meat

2 medium onions

2 carrots

bunch of greens (parsley and dill)

2 beets

one third of the cabbage

5 medium potatoes

4 tbsp. l tomato paste or 6 tomatoes

sugar 1 dessert spoon

vinegar 3% - 1.5 tbsp. l

3 cloves of garlic

bay leaf 2 pcs.


Pick your recipe

Classic borsch

750 beef bones with meat

2 medium onions

2 carrots

bunch of greens (parsley and dill)

2 beets

one third of the cabbage

5 medium potatoes

4 tbsp. l tomato paste or 6 tomatoes

sugar 1 dessert spoon

vinegar 3% - 1.5 tbsp. l

3 cloves of garlic

bay leaf 2 pcs.

2 tbsp. l butter or lard

Thoroughly wash one onion and carrot, dry and burn over an open fire until black tan marks appear. This is necessary for the transparency of the broth. Pour 1.5 liters of cold water into the pan, put the bones with meat, chopped onion and carrots in half.

Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for 1 hour (if cooked over high heat, the broth will turn cloudy). When the broth is boiled, strain it through a sieve. Carrots, onions and spices gave the broth their whole taste, you will no longer need them. Cut the meat from the bones and set aside until the borsch is ready.

While the broth is cooked, cut the vegetables. If you need to cook a very large volume of food, put the chopped vegetables in water so that they do not lose freshness. Peel the potatoes and cut them into cubes.

Peel and cut the beets and carrots into thin strips or rub on a coarse grater. Cut a stalk from cabbage, remove the outer leaves. Chop the cabbage finely. Cut the remaining onion in half and cut into thin half rings.

To make your eyes watery less, put on swimming goggles. They are small and protect eyes well. Let your children rejoice at looking at you.

Finely chop a clove of garlic. First cut it into thin plates, then chop it into strips, and then, shaking the knife, cut the strips into small pieces.

Put the pan on the fire, pour in it 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil and heat it strongly. Put chopped onions and carrots in a pan and fry until half cooked, about 2 minutes. They should become softer, but not change colors. Set the vegetables thus prepared aside.

Heat the remaining oil in a pan, put the chopped beets and pour in the vinegar immediately. Mix well. Vinegar, in addition to giving taste, retains the color of beets - an important detail for borsch. When the beets are stewed, add onions with carrots and tomato paste to it and simmer until fully cooked.

Pour the strained broth into the pan, bring it to a boil and put the cabbage. When the broth boils a second time, add the potatoes and cook for 10 minutes.

Put the stewed vegetables and cook for another 5 minutes, until cooked. Do not make the fire too strong, the main thing is that the soup is boiling softly. Remember, in the oven all the dishes are cooked on low heat, the vegetables are soaked in taste with each other, and you get a fragrant vegetable broth. Of course, you cannot achieve the effect of a stove on a modern stove, but it's worth a try.

Before removing the borsch from the heat, add spices - salt, sugar, garlic, herbs and bay leaf.

The best greens for borscht - parsley.

Borsch is almost ready. Now it should cool and stand (at least 1 hour) under the lid.

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