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10 facts about soy sauce

10 facts about soy sauce
10 facts about soy sauce

Video: Different Types of Soy Sauce Explained 2024, July

Video: Different Types of Soy Sauce Explained 2024, July

Asians consider soy sauce as the king of earth condiments. And they are absolutely right: the sauce is really a unique spice that goes well with meat, rice, and even ice cream.


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Soy sauce is a true Chinese long-liver! He is already more than two and a half thousand years old.


Versatility is the main quality of soy sauce, so loved by the Japanese. They use it instead of butter, salt and mayonnaise.


The middle name of soy sauce is "eastern ketchup." In Asian countries, the same dish with and without seasoning is considered two.


In 1908, thanks to soy sauce, the basic umi flavor included in it, called natural monosodium glutamate, was patented.


About seven liters of soy sauce are accounted for per capita in Japan annually.


It would seem that cooking soy sauce is a simple and easy task. However, it takes a good six months!


Surprisingly, the fact is that almost any subspecies of soy sauce contains several percent alcohol. This does not allow them to quickly become worthless.


Soy sauce has a very beneficial effect on the body. For example, 2 hours after administration, blood circulation improves.


Soy sauce is the leader in the number of antioxidants in the composition. He is 10 times ahead of red wine and 150 times ahead of vitamin C.


There is no cholesterol in soy sauce, and the product itself is low in calories.

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