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Which cheese has the most calcium?

Which cheese has the most calcium?
Which cheese has the most calcium?

Video: Top 10 Cheese having High Calcium Content 2024, June

Video: Top 10 Cheese having High Calcium Content 2024, June

Cheeses are known for their content of such a beneficial substance as calcium, which is necessary for the health of bones, hair, teeth and nails. Most of it is in the popular English Cheddar cheese, 100 grams of which provide the human body with a daily need for calcium.


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Cheddar got its name from the English village of Cheddar, where it was first produced. This cheese has a yellowish plastic structure (or ivory), which is sometimes tinted with natural dyes during the production process. Cheddar made from whole pasteurized or raw milk has a nutty, slightly spicy and sourish flavor.


Nutritionists consider this variety to be the most useful cheese, as it contains a large concentration of important nutrients - especially calcium and protein. In addition, cheddar significantly reduces the risk of tooth decay, as it stimulates the production of fresh saliva, which neutralizes acid that destroys teeth. It also contains a minimum amount of lactose, so that people with intolerance to this substance can safely use it. It is advisable to include cheddar in your daily diet - it is useful in any form, whether it is cheese soup or cheese sauce. However, it is not recommended for people who suffer from headaches because it contains tyramine, which constricts blood vessels.


One of the most popular cheddar dishes is lasagna. To prepare it, you will need 125 g of cheddar, 750 g of ground beef, 1 onion, 2 celery stalks, 400 g of canned tomatoes, 3 tablespoons of flour, 375 g of prepared dry sheets of lasagna, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of tomato paste. You also need to take 1 tablespoon of provencal herbs, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 60 g of butter and 750 ml of milk.


The oven must be heated to 180 degrees, and the minced meat is fried in olive oil in a large pan. After frying in the remaining oil, fry them with finely chopped onions and celery, then put the minced meat in a pan, add the pasta, tomatoes, sugar and herbs, bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. In butter, melted over a small fire, you need to add flour and fry it for a minute, after which the mixture is removed from the heat and gradually filled with milk. Then it must be returned to the stove, boil, let it thicken and cook for another 2 minutes. In a refractory pan greased with oil, you need to put 1/3 of the meat sauce, place one layer of sheets of lasagna on top, pour 1/3 of the sauce with flour and oil on it, and repeat the previous manipulations twice, sprinkling the top of the lasagna with grated cheddar. The dish is baked in the oven 25 minutes until golden brown.


Traditionally, cheddar is shaped like a cylinder, which weighs from 27 to 35 kilograms.

Useful advice

Trace elements contained in cheddar help the body remove accumulated toxins and restore the nervous system.

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