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Three spices for slimness

Three spices for slimness
Three spices for slimness

Video: (eng) 如何让腿看起来细长直 / LOOKS LONGER & SLIMMER / 量体裁衣 EP.3 / ninido 2024, June

Video: (eng) 如何让腿看起来细长直 / LOOKS LONGER & SLIMMER / 量体裁衣 EP.3 / ninido 2024, June

On the way to a slim body, all means are good. Anyone losing weight looking at the kitchen, cherishes one thought: "What to eat to lose weight?" And it is here that there are assistants in the fight against extra pounds. These are spices! Many of them are able to significantly help losing weight - to increase dormant metabolism or to deceive the appetite.


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Instruction manual


Spicy pepper

All varieties of pepper - ground black, chili, chilli, paprika - speed up metabolism and promote weight loss. Peppers are included in the composition of salads and soups for weight loss. Their hot taste, from which it gets warmer, speeds up the metabolic process.

Pepper can be consumed not only inside but also externally. In the fight against excess weight, use creams, peeling based on pepper extract for problem parts of the body. Pepper oil stimulates blood circulation, accelerates the burning and breakdown of fats. Cellulite, wrinkles and sagging skin recede - there is a correction of the figure.



Cinnamon in the form of sticks and in ground form has a remarkable property - to enhance sugar metabolism by twenty times. Lowering blood sugar, cinnamon

does not provoke insulin release and fat is not deposited in the body. You need it a little - just eat a quarter teaspoon per day.

Cinnamon, thanks to its pleasant aroma, dulls the acute hunger. And as a result, the next meal will be under control. Dietary cinnamon fibers improve intestinal motility, remove toxins and toxins from the body. Teas, cocktails, drinks with cinnamon will help not only to diversify the diet, but also give a healing effect.

With the help of cinnamon you can do wraps, anti-cellulite massage, as well as various masks, peels of problematic parts of the body. Cinnamon wraps help remove excess water and wastes from the body, improve lymph outflow, accelerating enzymatic processes and blood microcirculation. Experts assure that one cinnamon wrap can reduce body volume by one centimeter. A slender body will be grateful to the fragrant cinnamon!



Turmeric is a bright yellow spice with a characteristic spicy aroma, a relative of ginger. It is good for a person who is losing weight because it is able to normalize the body's metabolic processes. Curcumin is a special element of spice that is responsible for the bright yellow color and the ability to inhibit the growth of adipose tissue. Choline is another element in turmeric that is responsible for helping the liver process fat. Due to this, the concentration of fatty acids in the blood decreases and cholesterol metabolism improves.

Feel free to use the spice in soups, sauces and add to tea. Turmeric slimming wraps have anti-cellulite effect. As well as masks and creams with turmeric components smooth not only the skin, but also help in getting rid of scars and scars.


Spices are not a panacea, but just a catalyst that will help you lose weight faster. Remember that a healthy diet and exercise is the foundation, and spices are an additional means of losing weight.

Useful advice

Use spices without fanaticism. Before you enter them in your daily diet, get a doctor’s advice.

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