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Thyroid Foods

Thyroid Foods
Thyroid Foods

Video: Foods To Eat To Heal Your Thyroid- Thyroid Diet 2024, June

Video: Foods To Eat To Heal Your Thyroid- Thyroid Diet 2024, June

Thyroid problems affect millions of people around the world. After all, the consequences from them can be extremely serious. As a metabolic regulator, thyroid hormone is essential for the body to function properly. The good news is that there are products that contain substances that are beneficial to the thyroid gland - iodine, selenium, iron, zinc, etc.


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Seafood is an excellent source of iodine, especially algae. They are also full of potassium and are a good source of protein and other nutrients. In addition to iodine, fish also contain omega-3 fatty acids, which support the health of the thyroid gland and heart. Deep-sea fish such as cod, trout and haddock contain the highest concentration of iodine.



A huge amount of iodine contains red beets. Therefore, it is very useful for the thyroid gland.



Coconut oil contains essential fatty acids necessary for the proper functioning of the metabolic system. They also contribute to the normalization of the thyroid gland, increasing the production of its hormone.



String beans are a good source of zinc and iron. It also contains healthy proteins, B vitamins and Vitamin C. Green beans are useful for normalizing thyroid function and preventing various skin diseases.



Studies have shown that the consumption of dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese) helps maintain a healthy level of iodine in the body. Milk contains iodides, which means it is good for the thyroid gland.



Eggs are an excellent source of iodine because they contain about 16% iodine of the recommended daily allowance.



Beef liver is rich in iron, zinc and selenium, as well as proteins. It is able to provide the body with calcium, potassium, vitamins A, C and D and other beneficial substances.



Most nuts are a good source of protein, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. And almonds are different in that they contain the nutrients necessary for the thyroid gland, such as iron, selenium and zinc, as well as B vitamins.



In addition to the source of protein, turkey is an excellent source of selenium. It also contains iron and essential amino acids.



Dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, cabbage, chard, are sources of iron, B vitamins, vitamins A, C and D, magnesium and antioxidants. These vegetables not only supply the nutrients that the thyroid gland needs, but also help maintain the overall health of the body.


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