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Lean Cookies for Breastfeeding

Lean Cookies for Breastfeeding
Lean Cookies for Breastfeeding

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Video: Superfood Cookies Recipe To Help With Breastfeeding | LiveLeanTV 2024, July

Video: Superfood Cookies Recipe To Help With Breastfeeding | LiveLeanTV 2024, July

A woman who is breastfeeding a baby should be especially careful about her own nutrition. The health and well-being of the baby depends on the products that she uses. In addition, after giving birth, mother needs to get in shape as soon as possible, losing extra pounds. Do not completely abandon the desserts, you just need to choose the right goodies - for example, cooked lean cookies yourself.


Pick your recipe

Lean cookies for nursing mothers: what to choose


Baking for mothers of infants should be tasty, nutritious, healthy. It is advisable to choose cookies with a small amount of calories made without harmful additives: flavors, dyes, artificial sweeteners. There should be few ingredients, the basis of a healthy dessert includes cottage cheese, oatmeal or flour, dried fruits. For taste, you can add nonfat milk, butter and eggs, but only on condition that the baby does not have allergies to them.

An important condition is that even the most healthy cookies cannot be consumed in unlimited quantities. A pair of pieces is enough to pamper yourself and get the right dose of endorphins. Homemade cookies can be eaten for breakfast or afternoon snack, it is undesirable to use it at night.

Galetny cookies: classic version


In the store you can buy ready-made dry cookies, which are often called biscuits. It is inexpensive, but the composition is far from perfect. The industrial product includes flavors, flavors and other ingredients that are not good for babies and their mothers. The best option is to make such cookies with your own hands. A homemade treat contains a minimum of calories and is great for daily meals. In order for the baking to succeed, you need to act step by step and take your time. Galetny cookies are well stored, so it can be made for the future.


  • 30 g of sugar;

  • 10 ml of refined vegetable oil;

  • 60 ml of hot filtered water;

  • 130 g of high quality wheat flour;

  • a pinch of salt;

  • 1 tsp baking powder;

  • 20 g of corn starch.

Sift flour into a bowl, mix with baking powder and corn starch. Pour sugar and salt into hot water, add odorless vegetable oil. Gradually pour a mixture of dry ingredients, constantly stirring the dough with a spatula. It should be soft and uniform. Collect the dough in a lump, wrap in cling film, put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

On a board sprinkled with flour, roll the frozen dough into a thin uniform layer. Fold it four times and roll it again. Repeat folding and rolling 2 more times. The procedure will take extra time, but the finished cookies will be very tender and layered.

The final stage is the final rolling of the test, its thickness should tend to 1 mm. With cookie cutters or an ordinary glass, cut out cookies, spread them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Prick each piece with a fork.

Bake a treat in a preheated oven to 180 degrees to a beautiful golden color. Remove to the board and cool. Immediately after baking, the cookie will be soft, after cooling it will become dry, crispy, melting in your mouth.

Curd dainty: step by step recipe


Nursing mothers are very useful low-fat dairy products, especially cottage cheese. It is rich in calcium, valuable amino acids and vitamins, improves digestion and helps to reduce the total calorie intake. The nutritional value of the product allows you to use it for tasty and healthy baking. It is best to take homemade cottage cheese without unnecessary additives and lumps.


  • 200 g of fresh cottage cheese;

  • 1 tbsp. l Sahara;

  • 100 g of quality butter;

  • roasted almonds;

  • 150 g of premium wheat flour.

Scald almonds with boiling water, remove the hard shell. The kernels can be slightly fried in a dry pan to make their taste more expressive.

Mash the cottage cheese in a bowl with sugar and melted butter. Pour the sifted flour in portions and knead the uncooked homogeneous dough. Divide it into 2 parts, roll each into a thin layer. Twist it into a roll, helping yourself with a wide knife, cut the resulting sausage into pieces, lay them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

In the center of each piece put an almond nut, gently pushing it into the dough. Bake cookies in an oven heated to 180 degrees, it will be ready in about 20 minutes.

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