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Shawl uzbek

Shawl uzbek
Shawl uzbek

Video: Супербонна тез ва осон усулдаги фасон 2024, July

Video: Супербонна тез ва осон усулдаги фасон 2024, July

Uzbek shawl is an incredibly appetizing, aromatic and tasty dish that is suitable for both a dining and a festive table. Cooking it is quite simple, if you know some of the nuances.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • • 1 kg of onions;

  • • 150 g of sunflower or olive oil;

  • • 300 g ripe tomatoes;

  • • salt and black ground pepper;

  • • 1 kg of carrots;

  • • 300 g of meat;

  • • 700 g of rice cereal.

Instruction manual


Rinse the meat and use a sharp knife to cut the meat into small cubes.


From the bulbs, it is necessary to remove the husk, and then cut into small cubes. Peel the carrots and wash them well. Then it must be cut into thin cubes, using a sharp knife.


Peel the tomatoes from the tomatoes. This can be easily done by first scalding them with boiling water. Then they are cut into small pieces.


To prepare the dish you will need a cauldron. Sunflower oil is poured into it, a cauldron is put on fire. When the oil is heated, prepare prepared meat. It must be fried with regular stirring.


When the meat is well cooked, pour chopped onions and a little carrot into the cauldron. Mix everything and continue to fry over medium heat, not forgetting to mix systematically. Vegetables should be covered with a golden brown.


After that, the remaining carrot and previously washed rice groats are poured into the cauldron. Mix everything thoroughly and fry until the croup is clear. Then the tomato mass should be dumped into the cauldron and mixed again.


After that, water is poured into the dish and spices are added. The amount of water depends on what kind of rice groats and what kind of consistency the finished dish should have. If you want more porridge, pour less water, and if it’s thinner, then more accordingly.


After the dish reaches the desired consistency, it can be immediately laid out on plates and served.

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