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Chicken fillet "Zebra"

Chicken fillet "Zebra"
Chicken fillet "Zebra"

Video: Roast a Chicken in a 12cm Zebra Billy Pot? Yes You Can!! 2024, July

Video: Roast a Chicken in a 12cm Zebra Billy Pot? Yes You Can!! 2024, July

For lovers of chicken and for those who do not like to cook for a long time, there is an amazing chicken fillet dish called Zebra. I think you will like it.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - chicken fillet - 500 g;

  • - tomato - 1 pc;

  • - hard cheese - 150 g;

  • - soy sauce - 50 ml;

  • - 4 cloves of garlic;

  • - a bunch of parsley;

  • - sour cream - 50 g;

  • - seasoning for meat;

  • - salt;

  • - pepper.

Instruction manual


First, mix these ingredients: seasoning for meat, soy sauce, chopped parsley and garlic. This turned out to be a kind of marinade, in which you should put the fillet for half an hour.


Next, chop the tomato and cheese. The first - thin slices, the second - slices.


So, 30 minutes have passed. We take the fillet out of the marinade and make on it with the help of small cuts in the pockets. They can be 3 or 4. In the first - a slice of cheese, the second - a slice of tomatoes and so on, generally alternating.


Then we need to mix the sour cream with garlic. Just before you follow this, should garlic pass through a press.


We spread our chicken meat on a greased baking sheet and coat the fillet with sour cream and garlic. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the zebra for 30 minutes. Bon Appetit! Good luck

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