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Which salt is better

Which salt is better
Which salt is better

Video: Which Type of Salt is The Healthiest? | The Cooking Doc® 2024, June

Video: Which Type of Salt is The Healthiest? | The Cooking Doc® 2024, June

Salt today is one of the most indispensable ingredients for the preparation of various dishes. Even in sweet porridge it is added in a small amount - to enhance the taste. However, this product is also different. Moreover, it differs not only in taste and appearance, but also in its composition.


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Consumption of salt in moderation does not adversely affect the human body, sometimes it can even be useful. Salt contains sodium, the lack of which can lead to serious disorders, for example, electrolyte imbalance or muscle cramps. A low salt intake in combination with a high water intake can provoke the so-called "water intoxication". At the same time, excess salt in the body can also cause serious harm to health - from increased pressure to edema and osteoporosis.


It is very important not only to use salt in small quantities, but also to choose the right kind of this product. Less useful is the fine white salt of the "extra" class. They extract it, of course, from natural deposits, but then it undergoes intensive processing, during which the salt is purified from all impurities of elements. As a result, only sodium chloride remains in such a product. In addition, potassium ferrocyanide, a special additive that prevents the formation of lumps, is often added to a shallow salt. It is believed that such a substance may be toxic to the body.


Coarse salt, which has an ugly grayish tint and often stray into hard lumps, is not so harmful. Usually additives are not put in it, and it does not undergo such a thorough cleaning. As a result of this, in addition to sodium chloride, a small amount of magnesium, potassium and calcium is also stored in it.


But it is not for nothing that coarse sea salt is considered the least harmful. It is obtained by evaporation from sea water, so this product retains many trace elements necessary for the human body. So, it contains sodium chloride, potassium, magnesium, bromide, strontium and bicarbonate. That is, when it is consumed, the body receives much less salt in its pure form, which is much less harmful to health. In addition, natural iodine is found in small amounts in sea salt. And you can use it just like a cookbook - in absolutely all dishes. It is especially harmonious with seafood.


The daily intake of salt is 5 g. However, it also includes the amount of salt found in various foods, such as sausage.

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