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How to Make Pasta Deliciously

How to Make Pasta Deliciously
How to Make Pasta Deliciously

Video: Gordon Ramsay's Guide To Pasta | Gordon Ramsay 2024, July

Video: Gordon Ramsay's Guide To Pasta | Gordon Ramsay 2024, July

In Russia, dishes from Italian pasta became known about 200 years ago, although the first mention of them is found in Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, Ancient China. Macaroni is good for breakfast, as it contains complex carbohydrates, which are split for a long time in the human body, due to which there is a uniform distribution of the generated energy. Salads, casseroles and other dishes from them are very popular today, classic and new recipes which conquer gourmets around the world. The main companion of pasta is tomatoes, and not only in the form of sauce. Bake pasta with tomatoes and ham.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 600 g pasta
    • 300 g lean ham
    • 100 g tomatoes
    • 150 g cheese
    • 100 g ghee
    • 2 cups of milk
    • 2 eggs
    • 50 g smoked brisket
    • breadcrumbs
    • salt to taste

Instruction manual


Boil the pasta until half cooked in salted water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 100 g of pasta, observe the cooking time indicated on the package.


Throw them in a colander, let the water drain.


Grate the cheese, finely chop the ham.


Beat eggs with milk. Add cheese and ham. After that, add the pasta. Shuffle.


Finely chop the breast and fry for 1 minute in a dry frying pan. Add the chopped tomatoes together with the juice that has stood out, and, stirring, fry everything together for a few more minutes.


When the juice from the tomatoes begins to boil, remove from heat. Allow to cool slightly. Add to the cooked pasta mixture. Mix all components thoroughly.


Grease the baking dish with melted butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put in pasta shape. Bake in the oven at 160 degrees 45 minutes.


No need to rinse pasta in cold water after cooking.

Instead of ghee, use olive if desired.

If there is no breadcrumbs, sprinkle the baking dish with flour.

Useful advice

No need to rinse pasta in cold water after cooking.

Instead of ghee, use olive if desired.

If there is no breadcrumbs, sprinkle the baking dish with flour.

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