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How to melt fat

How to melt fat
How to melt fat

Video: Melt Stubborn Fat Away...Fast! 2024, June

Video: Melt Stubborn Fat Away...Fast! 2024, June

Grated pork fat is a high-calorie dish that is very popular in Ukraine and in some regions of Russia. It is widely used in cooking: you can fry potatoes and meat on it. Also, garlic and herbs are pounded with it, seasoning with this mixture of borsch. Buckwheat porridge, etc., is often seasoned with lard.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - fat;

  • - onion.

Instruction manual


Take a piece of lard (preferably with meat veins) and one large onion. Cut the lard into medium-sized pieces - cubes or cubes. Peel the onion from the husk, make a few deep cruciform incisions in it, but so that it does not fall into pieces.


Lard is best cooked in a small cast iron, ducklings or in a pan with a thick bottom. Put chopped lard and onion in the dishes, put on low heat. Stir gently from time to time so that the pieces do not stick to the bottom. Gradually, the fat will begin to harden. Continue heating and stirring until these pieces turn into small cracklings and take on a brownish-reddish color. This will be a signal that the lard is ready.


Extinguish the burner, gently catch the greaves with a slotted spoon and put them in a separate container. If you cooked buckwheat porridge at the same time, you can immediately put the cracklings in it and mix - it will only make it tastier and more satisfying.


When the formed lard has cooled slightly, carefully pour it into clean, dry containers (glass jars, clay pots). After cooling, close the bottlenecks with plastic caps or tight gauze dressings and take them to a cool, dark place (best in a cold cellar). You can also store lard in the refrigerator.


Some housewives throw out the onion, with which the lard was drowned, some, on the contrary, put it in one of the containers and fill it with lard, claiming that it tastes better this way. There is no consensus here. You can do as you please.


In a cool dark place, lard can be stored for up to six months, almost without losing its taste.

Useful advice

In folk medicine, lard has long been used as a medicine for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and lungs. Reliably known cases when he contributed to the cure even of such a dangerous disease as tuberculosis.

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