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How to arrange a protein fasting day

How to arrange a protein fasting day
How to arrange a protein fasting day

Table of contents:

Video: Protein Sparing Modified Fasts Can Offer These Benefits (Use Caution) 2024, June

Video: Protein Sparing Modified Fasts Can Offer These Benefits (Use Caution) 2024, June

Eating protein-containing foods throughout the day helps the body improve metabolism, which is very important for overweight people. Dairy products are a good source of calcium, after such a diet, hair, nails and teeth will be beautiful and healthy, unlike some other weight loss options.


Pick your recipe

One of the most beloved days in people who have tried different diets and nutrition systems is protein. Many people know what it is like to sit on kefir or apples for a day, and on such a fasting day you can use dairy products, fish and meat in your diet, in addition, you are allowed to eat vegetables and fruits. Of course, the body perceives such "restrictions" much easier.

How to choose products

Meat should be eaten lean and boiled on a protein day. It can be chicken or turkey, beef, and of fish: trout, tuna or pink salmon - they have the highest protein content. Of non-meat products, protein contains eggs, beans and cottage cheese, the use of which is also allowed on such fasting days.

In order to arrange a protein day, you need to think through and prepare a menu. It does not make sense to consume proteins in one day, it’s better to repeat such unloading with a constant frequency, and then it will turn out to try all the protein menu options.

The whole amount of food per day should be divided into 5-6 servings and eat often. If you decide to eat meat, then a piece of turkey or chicken breast is boiled and divided into several parts. To diversify the protein menu, for breakfast you can drink kefir or low-fat yogurt or eat a banana. Lunch and dinner are only meat, but dinner should be two times smaller and lighter in volume. Between the usual meals should be vegetable or fruit snacks.

If such a fasting day will be on cottage cheese and kefir, then you need to choose low-fat dairy products. Hard cheese, milk and yogurt can be added to this diet.

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