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How to make mastic for a cake at home

How to make mastic for a cake at home
How to make mastic for a cake at home

Video: How To Make Marshmallow Fondant - Baking Basics 2024, June

Video: How To Make Marshmallow Fondant - Baking Basics 2024, June

Using culinary mastic, you can turn even the most ordinary cake or home-made pie into a real masterpiece of culinary art. The main types of mastic, which are especially widespread, are gelatin, milk and marshmallow mastic.


Pick your recipe

Milk mastic

To prepare such a mastic you will need:

Powdered milk;

Powdered sugar;

Condensed milk.

Combine all ingredients in a 1: 1: 1 ratio and mix thoroughly until the mass becomes like soft plasticine. Mastic is ready. Its color, as a rule, is never snow-white, but the taste of such a product is simply amazing.

Gelatin Mastic

This recipe is more complicated, but the result is excellent. Their gelatin mastic can sculpt figures of finer work.

To prepare gelatin-based mastic, you will need:



Powdered sugar.

Soak 2 tablespoons of gelatin in cold water and leave for several hours, after which put a saucepan with a solution of gelatin on a fire and bring to complete dissolution of the lumps. In no case should you boil a gelatin solution, otherwise it will lose its adhesive properties, and its smell will become quite unpleasant.

When the gelatin is completely dissolved, add 2-3 cups of powdered sugar into it and thoroughly mix the resulting mass. To give the mastic the color you need, you can add food coloring, however, if the coloring is liquid, you will have to increase the amount of powdered sugar so that the mass is dense. If you do not want the mastic to have a sugary-sweet taste, add a little lemon juice to it.

Marshmallow Mastic

Marshmallows are marshmallow air sweets, sometimes two-tone. These sweets will serve as the basis for pastry mastic. In order to prepare the mastic, you will need a pack of chocolates (about 100 g). Add one tablespoon of water to the sweets and put in the microwave for a few minutes. In the resulting sweet mass, add 1.5 cups of icing sugar and do not forget to constantly stir, if necessary, icing. This type of mastic is ideal for making small elements for decorating a cake.

Chocolate mastic

You will need 2: 1 chocolate and honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and the mastic is ready. Chocolate can be taken both black and white.

Some useful tips:

For the manufacture of mastic, use only thoroughly ground powdered sugar, otherwise the finished product will be unplastic. Ready mastic can be stored both in the refrigerator and in the freezer.

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