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How to cook chum salmon fish

How to cook chum salmon fish
How to cook chum salmon fish

Video: Pan Seared Wild Chum Salmon Fillet | Seafood Recipes | Wild Caught Salmon 2024, June

Video: Pan Seared Wild Chum Salmon Fillet | Seafood Recipes | Wild Caught Salmon 2024, June

For centuries, fish has been the culinary basis of the Russian national table. Over time, tastes changed, and fish dishes ceased to be so popular. Distinctive features of fish meat are tenderness, “wateriness”, loose structure, and the presence of high-value proteins. If the meat needs to be cooked for several hours, then only a quarter of an hour is enough to cook the fish. The fish is excellent for baking in batter.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 600 g chum salmon fish
    • 150 g smoked brisket
    • 100 g cheese
    • 40 g of vegetable oil
    • 200 g tomatoes
    • 100 g pickled cucumbers
    • 400 g boiled potatoes
    • mustard
    • greens

Instruction manual


Cut the fish into pieces 3 cm thick, grease the refractory form with fat and put the fish on it.


Anoint the fish with a thin layer of mustard, then on each piece put a slice of ham or brisket, sprinkle the pieces of fish with cheese.


Pour a small amount of fish stock or water into the mold.


Bake in the oven at a temperature of 150 - 170 degrees until the fish is soft and browned.


Serve to the table, sprinkled with finely chopped greens, or put on top slices of tomato, small pickled cucumbers.


Prepare boiled potatoes for garnish.

Useful advice

Before thermal exposure in marine fish, remove the head, all fins, axial bone, abdominal cavity with viscera, and skin.

how to cook chum salmon photo

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