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How to Make Raisin Oatmeal

How to Make Raisin Oatmeal
How to Make Raisin Oatmeal

Video: Ingrid Dishes | Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal | Recipes from Missglamorazzi 2024, July

Video: Ingrid Dishes | Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal | Recipes from Missglamorazzi 2024, July

Having a full breakfast is one of the conditions for proper nutrition. Porridge for morning meals are great. Especially oatmeal, which can provide a long lasting saturation effect. You can cook oatmeal with different additives. Porridge with raisins is tasty and sweet.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 1 1/2 glasses of water;

  • - 1 glass of milk;

  • - 3 tablespoons of raisins;

  • - 2 tablespoons of sugar;

  • - salt

Instruction manual


Go through the raisins so that there are no sticks or other extraneous inclusions left in it. Soak it in boiling water - five minutes will be enough for this. Rinse the raisins in water.


Pour water and milk into the pan. It is important to pour water at the beginning, then milk will have less chance to burn. Put the pan on the stove, bring the liquid to a boil.


Add oatmeal to boiled milk. Salt a little. Add sugar, mix. Cook for as long as indicated on the cereal packaging.


Remove the porridge from the stove. Add raisins to it. Cover, let stand for 10 minutes. Done!

Useful advice

If you wish, you can add a pinch of cinnamon to the porridge during cooking.

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