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How to cook shrimp with mussels in teriyaki sauce: recipe

How to cook shrimp with mussels in teriyaki sauce: recipe
How to cook shrimp with mussels in teriyaki sauce: recipe

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Video: Drunken Mussels Recipe - Mussels Steamed in a Garlic, Lemon & Wine Broth 2024, June

Video: Drunken Mussels Recipe - Mussels Steamed in a Garlic, Lemon & Wine Broth 2024, June

Shrimps and mussels cooked in traditional Japanese teriyaki sauce have a unique spicy taste and will not leave indifferent even the most demanding lover of Japanese cuisine.


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Teriyaki sauce making

Teriyaki sauce is a Japanese sauce often found in traditional cuisine. Most often it is used for frying, but can sometimes be used as a marinade. The basis for it is the usual soy sauce, which is added to the rice wine Mirin, brown sugar and various spices. This is mainly ginger in dried or fresh form.

Shrimps and mussels cooked in this sauce have an original sweetish flavor. To make teriyaki sauce yourself, you will need: soy sauce (200 ml), dried ginger (50 g), brown sugar (5-6 pieces), Mirin rice wine (2 tbsp.).

Heat soy sauce over low heat, add sugar and wait until it is completely dissolved. Then add ginger and mix thoroughly. Now you can add the wine. Next you need to keep the sauce over low heat and stir constantly. The mass should thicken. Ready sauce must be cooled.

Cooking Shrimp and Mussels in Teriyaki Sauce

You will need: frozen mussels and peeled shrimps (1 kg), onions (1 pc.), Bell pepper (2 pcs.), Teriyaki sauce (200 ml).

Mussels tossed in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, put in a colander and dry. Fry the onions in a pan using vegetable oil, add the bell pepper, previously sliced ​​in strips. Fry for 5 minutes. Pour shrimp and mussels into the pan.

Fry until half-cooked (until a crust appears) and add teriyaki sauce. Fry in the sauce for another 2-3 minutes. Serving shrimp and mussels in teriyaki sauce is recommended with rice and vegetables.

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