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How to combine nuts, honey and dried fruits

How to combine nuts, honey and dried fruits
How to combine nuts, honey and dried fruits

Video: Dry fruits Honey Mix || Recipe Vlog #27 || How to make Honey stuffed Dates and Dry Fruits 2024, June

Video: Dry fruits Honey Mix || Recipe Vlog #27 || How to make Honey stuffed Dates and Dry Fruits 2024, June

Today, the issue of health is more relevant than ever. Moreover, an increasing number of people prefer natural natural remedies and components.


Pick your recipe

You will need

200 grams of dried apricots, raisins, prunes and walnuts, as well as one lemon and three tablespoons of honey.

Instruction manual


In ancient times, honey, nuts and dried fruits were used by knowledgeable people as a medicine for such ailments as anemia, vitamin deficiency and cardiovascular diseases. These components have extremely useful and nutritious properties, thanks to which a person retains physical strength and a healthy appearance until old age. In addition, the benefits of nuts, dried fruits and honey - in the normalization of metabolic processes. To prepare the nutrient mixture, steam dried fruits with boiling water for 5-10 minutes, dry and remove the seeds. Cut the lemon and remove the seeds from the slices. Grind everything in a blender until smooth and mix it with liquid honey. Your mix is ​​ready!


Almonds can also be combined with dried apricots and dates. Brazil nut - with dates, figs and raisins. Pistachios and cashews are preferably consumed separately. Prunes and apricots go well with hazelnuts and walnuts. Dried apricots can be supplemented with almonds, as well as hazelnuts and pine nuts. Combine raisins with hazelnuts, walnuts, Brazil and coconuts, as well as pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Use these rules when creating a mixture.


The properties of honey are known to many people. It is an extremely powerful immunomodulator, a natural antibiotic, an organism cleaner, and much more. Scientists have proved that cinnamon with honey can cure patients of arthritis, significantly lower cholesterol, not to mention various colds, problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract and even acne. Therefore, do not neglect this product.


Overuse of honey can lead to obesity, diabetes, allergic reactions, as well as tooth decay. To avoid these side effects, follow the rule: no more than 100 grams of honey per day, divided into several doses. Regular use of honey for more than two months is not recommended. After carefully rinse your mouth, as it sticks to your teeth and destroys the enamel.

Useful advice

Do not forget the rule of the "golden mean." An excessively large portion of the consumed nuts will overload the pancreas with highly digestible essential oils and vegetable protein. To prevent this from happening, consume a moderate mixture of honey, nuts and dried fruits.

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