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How to eat better for a nursing mother

How to eat better for a nursing mother
How to eat better for a nursing mother

Video: Tips for a Healthy Breastfeeding Diet 2024, June

Video: Tips for a Healthy Breastfeeding Diet 2024, June

Nursing mother nutrition plays a key role in the development and health of the baby. A young mother needs to know the basic rules for compiling her menu, because it is not only useful, but will also help, with strict observance, lose weight gained during pregnancy.


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The basic rule is to drink enough fluids. It can be clean water without gas, weak tea, compotes, fruit drinks, herbal teas. The composition of the latter includes various herbs that stimulate the production of milk, such as dogrose, caraway seeds, nettle, lemon balm, and fennel, which helps in combating increased gas production in babies, especially the first months of life, and its use by the mother will not be superfluous. I also want to note that all drinks should only be slightly sweetened, since excess sugar is useless for the baby, and besides, it can also cause gas formation. The total volume of fluid should be about 2 liters per day.


The meat should be dietary, therefore it is recommended: meat of turkey, rabbit, low-fat varieties of beef, as well as river fish. It is better to cook these products for a couple or cook. You can make various meatballs and meatballs, which are very juicy if you add allowed vegetables to them.


Vegetables: beets (which helps with constipation and mom), carrots, some potatoes, zucchini, green bell pepper, celery, eggplant, onions (as part of cooked food). Vegetables are consumed in moderation and not desirable in raw form at the first stage of feeding. It is necessary to exclude: cabbage, mushrooms, all legumes, corn, cucumbers, this is due to the increased ability of these products to cause bloating in the baby.


Fruits: bananas and baked apples. Do not experiment with exotic fruits that can become powerful allergens (mango, avocado, pomelo, grapefruit, kiwi, and even tangerines and oranges).


Baking and bread: as for confectionery, it is allowed pastille, marshmallows, marmalade, dry cookies. From about three months old, you can use the usual biscuit with apples (charlotte), but if the baby is not allergic to eggs. It is better to use bread from wholemeal flour, as well as yesterday, in which the action of yeast stopped.


Cereals: eat porridge! Very useful buckwheat and oatmeal.


Dairy products: only cheese (hard) and butter. The remaining dairy products are not advisable or very careful, because they can provoke lactose deficiency. Try not to eat foods that can cause allergies: chocolate, cocoa, honey, eggs, nuts, smoked meats, bright red and orange fruits and berries, marinades, oily fish, strong broths, fried foods and canned food. Compliance with the nutritional rules of a nursing mother will help reduce the manifestation of colic and flatulence in the baby.

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