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How to cook a classic Potato cake

How to cook a classic Potato cake
How to cook a classic Potato cake

Video: How to Make Potato Pancakes - Classic Potato Pancakes Recipe 2024, July

Video: How to Make Potato Pancakes - Classic Potato Pancakes Recipe 2024, July

The Potato cake is perhaps one of the easiest to cook and favorite treats since childhood. A dessert is prepared from cookies, cocoa and nuts, sometimes with the addition of a biscuit.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 700g of any dried cookies ("Strawberry"
    • "Anniversary", etc.);
    • 200 g of condensed milk;
    • packaging of butter (200g);
    • 5 tsp dry cocoa powder;
    • coconut flakes or nuts (optional).

Instruction manual


Grate cookies, pass through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.


Melt the butter in a water bath and combine with condensed milk.


Add cocoa powder and mix well again.


Pour the crushed cookies into the mixture and knead the dough.


Form oblong cakes shaped like potatoes. Or give them a round shape.


Refrigerate for 20-25 minutes.


If desired, the resulting cakes can be sprinkled on top with coconut flakes or garnished with nuts to give greater resemblance to potatoes, depicting characteristic "sprouts".


To achieve a more pronounced aroma and enhance the taste of cocoa, professional confectioners recommend adding a drop of cognac or rum to the dough.


For the preparation of a “potato” cake, along with cookies, you can also use leftover biscuit or shortcrust pastry or vanilla crackers. The procedure is preserved.


If you want to give the cake a more festive look (for example, for a children's holiday), you can easily turn the potato cake into a hedgehog dessert.


To do this, it is enough to form balls of arbitrary size from the ready-made dough and slightly extend one side to create a hedgehog nose. Using petals from almonds or seeds is very easy to create “needles”. Eyes can be made from cream or nuts in chocolate.

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