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How to cook venison

How to cook venison
How to cook venison

Video: Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates How To Cook Venison With A Red Wine & Chocolate Sauce | The F Word 2024, July

Video: Gordon Ramsay Demonstrates How To Cook Venison With A Red Wine & Chocolate Sauce | The F Word 2024, July

From the meat of animals that live in natural nature, you can cook many healthy and delicious dishes. Venison is a product that has always been appreciated for its high content of proteins and vitamins. You can safely experiment with recipes from deer meat - a well-prepared tenderloin, tongue, and deer brains can become a delicacy. The venison “hunting” deserves special praise.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • Venison meat - 2 kg
    • Pork fat - 400 g
    • Cooking Oil - 200 g
    • Cranberries - 200 g
    • Tomato paste - 200 g
    • Onions - 4 onions
    • Garlic - 24 cloves
    • Vinegar - 4 tbsp. spoons
    • Pepper
    • sugar
    • salt to taste.
    • Water for soaking meat (by volume of pieces)
    • extinguishing water - "on demand".

Instruction manual


Prepare a weak solution of vinegar in water - to soak venison meat. Rinse pieces of carcasses well and clean from veins and films. Soak the prepared portioned pieces in this solution for 6 hours, remove, slightly dry.


Make the punctures in the meat with the tip of a sharpened knife and stuff it with small pieces of bacon and chopped cloves of garlic. Rub the slices with salt and pepper. Heat fat and fry meat on both sides. Finely chop the onion and fry with the meat until golden brown.


Add tomato paste to meat pieces and onions, mix thoroughly and fry for another 10-12 minutes. Place venison meat in a cauldron (pan, roasting pan, "ducklings"), add to the required level of boiling water, add cranberries, mashed with sugar. Simmer in the traditional way for 1-1.5 hours.


You can also make cabbage soup from venison. After boiling, the meat is cut into thin slices, and the broth is carefully filtered.

Useful advice

When fantasizing with berry-fruit and vegetable additives to venison meat, remember the "win-win" option: tomatoes, carrots, dried apples, prunes, dried apricots. Do not forget about mushrooms, parsley, dill.

Related article

Venison: steak recipe with mushroom sauce

“Dishes from game and poultry”, TS Vasilieva, 2009

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