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How to quickly cook cherry jelly

How to quickly cook cherry jelly
How to quickly cook cherry jelly

Video: Easy Cherry Jam Recipe 2024, July

Video: Easy Cherry Jam Recipe 2024, July

If you need to cook something for dessert very quickly, the fragrant cherry jelly will be the ideal recipe. In this case, it’s good to always have a pack of frozen seedless cherries in the freezer. Fresh cherries are also suitable, but require preliminary preparation. The amount of sugar and starch is selected individually depending on preferences - more or less sweet, more or less thick.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For 6 servings:

  • - 300 grams of frozen seedless cherry or 500 grams of fresh;

  • - 6 glasses of water;

  • - 2-4 tablespoons of potato starch;

  • - 8-10 tablespoons of sugar;

  • - a bag of vanilla sugar - optional;

  • - whipped cream in a spray can for decoration.

Instruction manual


Pour five glasses of water into the pan, bring to a boil, add sugar and, if desired, vanilla sugar, stir until completely dissolved.


Pour frozen cherry into boiling sweet water; if the cherry is fresh, it must first be washed, dried and the seeds removed from it. Bring to a boil and boil over medium heat for 5 minutes.


While boiling cherry, pour starch into a small ladle, pour a glass of cold boiled water and mix thoroughly until the lumps are completely dissolved. Slowly, in a thin stream, pour this mixture into a pan with cherries, stirring constantly. Bring the jelly to a boil (but do not boil!) And immediately remove from the stove. Cover and cool.


Pour the jelly into bowls or glasses, garnish with whipped cream from a spray can or sprinkle sugar on the surface of the jelly.

Useful advice

To serve the jelly nicely, you can decorate the glasses with a sugar rim: pour a layer of granulated sugar on a plate with a layer of about 0.5 centimeters, dip the very edge of the glass in jelly and immediately lower it into sand so that it sticks to the glass in the form of a "snow" rim. After that, you can carefully pour the jelly into a glass.

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