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Greek cuisine

Greek cuisine
Greek cuisine

Video: Greek Cuisine | Greece | Cultural Flavors | EP 07 2024, June

Video: Greek Cuisine | Greece | Cultural Flavors | EP 07 2024, June

It is a mistake to think that a large flow of tourists seeks to Greece only in order to get to know the culture and admire the ancient architecture. Each traveler will tell you that Greece is not only a beautiful and ancient country, but also a place where you can eat deliciously. Indeed, in addition to the historical cult, the cult of food has long dominated the country.


Pick your recipe

It is forgivable for the Greeks not to know the year of the conquest of Mycenae, but which cheese is better for pasta or which sauce to serve this or that dish, they must know.

Despite the fact that the Greek cuisine is southern, it is not very sharp. Therefore, you can safely and without fear, order spicy dishes or try new sauces and spices. Yes, Greece is a country by the sea, but such a location does not mean that seafood is sold for a penny. The local population uses only sea fish, and, as a rule, dishes with this ingredient are much more expensive than meat. But once you try the sea fish, cooked by the hands of a true Greek, you will understand why this people does not spare money for food.

Going deep into the history of the country, it is not difficult to guess that the culinary preferences of Greece were based on the influence of several cultures - Arab, Turkish and even Italian. But even this influence could not change the recipe of traditional dishes.

The chefs of Greece are so masterful in culinary art that sometimes tourists do not have enough vacation to try all the delicacies of the local menu.

Not a single meal goes without snacks, in this the Russians are similar to the Greeks. Cold snacks - mezedes won special love

  • Melizanosalata - eggplant salad with olives seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil,
  • dolmadakya - minced meat wrapped in grape leaves (influence of Arab culture),
  • Kalamarakya - squid baked in pastry,
  • Tiropitakya - triangular cheese pies,
  • Kolokitakya - fried crispy zucchini.

Not a single Greek breakfast, dinner or lunch is complete without cheese. It is used not only in its pure form, but also added as the main ingredient in salads or in the filling for pies. The most popular types of cheese include: feta, engraving, cassery, misitra and mullet.

For a change, you should definitely try a dandelion salad, a sauce prepared on the basis of cucumbers, garlic, olive oil and natural yogurt or eggplant baked with cheese and meat in a creamy sauce.

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