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What you need to eat with obesity

What you need to eat with obesity
What you need to eat with obesity

Video: What to Eat If You're Obese | Obesity 2024, July

Video: What to Eat If You're Obese | Obesity 2024, July

If you are obese, losing your extra pounds will not be easy. Self-restraint in nutrition will not bring any results if you do not eat “assistant” foods in the fight against overweight.


Pick your recipe

Eat apples, pears and quinces with the peel. It will be easy to digest the peeled fruit to your stomach, no special effort is required. The peel contains an amount of coarse fiber sufficient for a long-term preservation of a feeling of satiety, in addition, it helps to remove cholesterol from the body.

Vegetables and meat are better to boil than to fry. Potatoes fried in butter contain many more calories than boiled potatoes. If you want to get rid of excess weight as soon as possible, cook soups on vegetable broth and cook meat cutlets for a couple. Such food is not only less high in calories, but also more healthy.

Do not eat white bread. In addition to being high-calorie, it causes unnecessary fermentation processes in your body, and this is fraught with exacerbations of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Replace it with rye bread or buckwheat bread.

Drink as much green tea as possible. It contains less caffeine and tannin than black. In addition, it contributes to the burning of excess fat and has a strong antioxidant effect. Obesity often causes weakened immunity, and green tea helps prevent this.

Drink one glass of warm water every morning with a slice of fresh lemon. This will help remove toxins from the body and lose weight quickly. Water with lemon stimulates the metabolism, which also has a positive effect on the fight against excess weight.

Eat two ripe tomatoes daily. They also contribute to the rapid metabolism and the fight against toxins. Moreover, the lycopene contained in tomatoes is the best natural prevention of the formation of cancerous tumors.

Eat plenty of honey. This is a real find for those who are being treated for obesity. Honey is a natural multivitamin complex, in which there are many useful trace elements. They are what your body needs in the process of losing weight.

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