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Cold pickling cucumbers: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Cold pickling cucumbers: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking
Cold pickling cucumbers: step by step recipes with photos for easy cooking

Table of contents:

Video: Quick Pickles - Everyday Food with Sarah Carey 2024, July

Video: Quick Pickles - Everyday Food with Sarah Carey 2024, July

Skilled housewives have come up with over a thousand recipes for pickling pickles for the winter. A variety of natural preservatives are added to jars or barrels - dill umbrellas, garlic, hot peppers, mustard seeds, vodka, currant berries. The most successful way of salting is considered cold. It ensures that the lids do not explode, the brine does not cloud over time. It is not difficult to salt cucumbers with this method, and even an inexperienced gardener can easily conserve excess summer crops.


Pick your recipe

Crispy pickles - a popular product that is very popular. They are served with boiled or fried potatoes, as an appetizer for strong alcohol, are used when cooking pickle, solyanka, cooking vinaigrette, salads, everyday and holiday sandwiches. To pickle cucumbers for the winter in cold ways, you do not need to boil the brine, sterilize the jars, and cook a complex marinade from many components. It is enough to choose a suitable recipe, put washed cucumbers with simple ingredients, pour them with salty cold water.

Many methods have been invented for such salting, however, the most popular among housewives and summer residents are considered options for cold salting with mustard, vodka, without vinegar, with garlic and horseradish.

General recommendations for salting

Salt strong cucumbers in the classic cold way, you should observe some conditions when preparing the crop, cans, adding natural preservatives. It is important to strictly observe the dosages and proportions of step-by-step recipes, so that in winter you can crackle delicious cucumbers with pleasure, seizing them with potatoes. It is also important to remember that the most ordinary additives such as garlic, dill or currant leaves can radically change the taste of the workpieces, making them moderately acidic, sharp, sweetish or piquant.

Here are a few understandable and simple recommendations designed to achieve successful salting even in the absence of experience in winter conservation.

  • It is necessary to salt the cucumbers on the day of their collection, until they have lost their elasticity, have not wilted in the heat. If you leave the crop even at night, it will be impossible to achieve a pleasant crunch of blanks.

  • Fruits of the same size should be stacked in a jar or barrel so that the brine evenly salts them.

  • Water should be taken filtered or spring, well, without any impurities and extraneous tastes, smells.

  • Pre-washed fruits should be poured into the basin for three hours with cold water.

  • It is advisable to wash the cans with baking soda, steam, the barrel should be thoroughly soaked, wiped off odors.

  • In advance, you should collect in the garden or buy additional ingredients - fresh horseradish leaves, currants, dill umbrellas, currant berries on twigs, oak leaves, cherries, mustard seeds, vodka, ordinary table vinegar.

  • All seasonings necessary for the recipe must be distributed evenly in the jars - one third to the bottom, one third in the middle, and leftovers from above.

  • Winter preservation should be stored in a cool, warm place - pantry, cellar, basement, cupboard, refrigerator.

The simplest rule of cold salting is to cook at home slowly, with pleasure, then the pickles will be tasty, fragrant, eaten immediately after opening the lid.


With mustard, horseradish and cherry leaves

This interesting and easy recipe is good because cucumbers with cold pickling are dense, crunchy, with a slight sour taste. Such preparations are well combined with vodka and potatoes with sauerkraut, brown bread, salted or smoked bacon.

What to prepare:

  • 5 kg of cucumbers;

  • dill umbrellas - 2 per can;

  • garlic - head;

  • a handful of cherry leaves;

  • half horseradish root;

  • 2.5 liters of water;

  • 2 tablespoons of salt;

  • a quarter cup of dry mustard powder.

How to do

  1. Rinse cherry leaves, pre-soaked fruits, remove dirt from horseradish root. Peel the garlic.

  2. Cucumbers finely cut the tips.

  3. Divide seasonings into 3 parts to lay evenly on the bottom, in the middle and on top of the jar.

  4. Pour mustard onto the bottom of the glass containers.

  5. Put all of the recipe components listed.

  6. Dissolve salt in cold spring water.

  7. Pour the contents of three-liter or liter cans with brine. It will immediately become unclear due to mixing with mustard powder, then the sediment will sink to the bottom.

  8. Close with nylon covers, store in a cool place.

With the addition of vodka

This simple step-by-step recipe will help to preserve the blanks in liter jars for a long time, and give the salty fruits an unusual piquant taste. It was used by our grandmothers, so the method was tested not for years, but for decades.

What to prepare:

  • 1.5 kg of cucumbers;

  • 8 leaves of cherry;

  • 4 leaves of horseradish;

  • 4 dill umbrellas;

  • 4 cloves of garlic;

  • 4 peas of pepper;

  • 50 g of vodka;

  • 1.5 liters of water;

  • 3 tablespoons of salt.

How to do

  1. Soak, then rinse the dense fruits, cut off the tips.

  2. Rinse cans with soda, dry.

  3. Put the cucumbers in the jars, adding alternately dill, garlic, pepper, leaves.

  4. Make a brine, fill the contents of the containers, leaving 3-4 mm at the neck.

  5. Pour a little vodka from above into each liter jar, cover with lids, put into storage.

Applying the trick with vodka, you can keep the workpiece in a cool place for up to two years, without fear that the pickles will turn sour, ferment or the brine will cloud.


With hot pepper pod

A simple step-by-step recipe for cold salting with hot peppers and herbs will not cause difficulties even for an inept housewife. Cucumbers in the end will turn out to be a little sharp, very fragrant and tasty. Such preparations can be safely served in a men's company for vodka or strong home-made moonshine - everyone will appreciate the treats without exception.

What to prepare:

  • 2 kg of freshly picked fruit;

  • any greens (dill umbrellas, horseradish, currant, cherry, oak leaves);

  • a pod or two red hot peppers;

  • 1.5 liters of water;

  • 3-4 tablespoons of salt;

  • pepper peas on the bottom of the cans.

How to do

  1. Rinse cans with soda.

  2. Soak cucumbers for 5-6 hours, then wash, cut off the tips of each vegetable.

  3. Rinse under the stream of water the leaves of currant, horseradish, dill umbrellas.

  4. Spread greens and peppers on the bottom of the containers.

  5. Cut hot pepper into circles, put 1-2 slices in each liter jar.

  6. Spray brine by dissolving rock salt in water. You can not take iodized.

  7. Fill cans with cucumbers, shifting leaves, pour brine.

  8. Cover with lids, let roam for 4-5 days at room temperature.

  9. When the brine becomes transparent, and the precipitate settles to the bottom, drain the liquid.

  10. Fill the tanks with clean well water, roll up.

  11. Put in the cold for storage.

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