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Fish casserole with rice

Fish casserole with rice
Fish casserole with rice

Video: Fish Casserole 2024, July

Video: Fish Casserole 2024, July

Fish is a healthy and tasty product that contains a lot of trace elements necessary for the human body. True, not all housewives know what dishes can be prepared from fish. After all, from it you can not only cook the ear or fry in a pan, from the minced meat of the river or sea inhabitants, delicious cutlets are obtained. And so what delicious can you cook a casserole of fish and say no. The main thing is to know the recipe.


Pick your recipe

So, the recipe for fish casserole with rice is dedicated to all lovers of proper nutrition and fast dishes that do not require special skill. For cooking you will need:

  • Minced fish (salmon suitable for both domestic and industrial production) - 400-500 g;
  • Rice - 100 g not raw;
  • Hard cheese - 50-80 g;
  • Tomato paste (ketchup) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Tomato - 1 pc.;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Dill is dry or fresh to taste.

If all the ingredients are available, then you can start cooking. First, boil the rice until half cooked. Grate cheese in a separate bowl on the smallest shredder, add already cooked rice and tomato paste to it. Mix everything thoroughly.

Take a baking dish, cover the bottom with foil. Divide minced meat into two equal parts. Put one serving evenly on the foil. Salt the base and sprinkle with dill. If you wish, you can not cover the form with foil, but then it must be lubricated with a small amount of vegetable oil.

On the first layer of fish, spread a mixture of rice, cheese and tomato paste, smooth the "filling". Put the remaining minced meat on top, salt it, decorate with greens and thinly sliced ​​tomato slices. If you used foil, then it's time to close its casserole.

Now send the prepared dish to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes. After time, the fish casserole with rice will be ready, you can serve it on the table. The dish is in harmony with fresh and salted vegetables.

By the way, people observing Lent can cook such a casserole on days when it is allowed to eat fish. The main thing is not to add cheese to the dish, but this will not make it worse.

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